Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of December 2015 Let's talk to each other: An intresting part of Gloria.tv is networking between users. This happens, for example, through messages you can send to other users …More
Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of December 2015
Let's talk to each other: An intresting part of Gloria.tv is networking between users. This happens, for example, through messages you can send to other users. To communicate with a user, click on his user-name. This will open his personal page. On the right side you will find the blue button "Chat". Click on it. A window opens through which you can contact the user. All messages are stored behind the envelope in the header.
Confession and Mercy: In an interview with the Italian weekly Credere Pope Francis said: “I go to confession every two weeks or twenty days. I confess because I need to feel that God’s mercy is still upon me.
Kasper Condemns: Talking about mercy, radical Cardinal Kasper was faced by La Repubblica with Vatileaks and with the statement “A merciful Church does not give up on its own courts”. Kasper’s answer: “I think it's just to condemn if offenses have been committed, [to condemn] those who from within the Vatican disclosed …More
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The Episcopal Church (TEC), less commonly known by its other official title, the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America (PECUSA or ECUSA), is the United States-based member churchof the worldwide Anglican Communion