What is the Second Vatican Council? - Episode 08 - SSPX FAQ Videos. sspx.org - Certainly the most debated event of the twentieth century was the Second Vatican Council. Praised by many, criticized by …More
What is the Second Vatican Council? - Episode 08 - SSPX FAQ Videos.
sspx.org - Certainly the most debated event of the twentieth century was the Second Vatican Council. Praised by many, criticized by others, Vatican II raises a lot of questions. In this video we will explain what the Second Vatican Council was.
Pope John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Council on October 11, 1962. John XXIII died the following year, but his successor, Paul VI, continued the Council and brought it to a close on December 8, 1965.
Vatican II consisted of four sessions. The first session (October 11 to December 3, 1962) the only one to occur during the pontificate of John XXIII promulgated no document; it was essentially used to shockingly discard the documents wisely prepared during the previous 3 years of preparation.
Vatican II was the twenty-first ecumenical council. It was the biggest in terms of the number of participants: over two thousand bishops attended. However, the Second Vatican Council was …More
Irish Rose
The documents of Vatican II (NOT any dogma as there was no dogma produced) were very and purposely vague, allowing for the hierarchy to be dissolved as each Bishop could interpret the Vatican II documents however they wanted to use them "pastoraly." It gave the Bishops and even priests a sense of power, which authority was only previously attributed to the office of Pope. Such "pastoral" doctrine …More
The documents of Vatican II (NOT any dogma as there was no dogma produced) were very and purposely vague, allowing for the hierarchy to be dissolved as each Bishop could interpret the Vatican II documents however they wanted to use them "pastoraly." It gave the Bishops and even priests a sense of power, which authority was only previously attributed to the office of Pope. Such "pastoral" doctrine included ecumenism, which is NOT a dogma of the Catholic faith, but which is used as if it is the most important dogma of the church (pastoraly...). Thus, and as is clear from this video, Vatican II, in effect, dissolves the hierarchical nature of the Catholic church which is schism as Jesus did not found a democratic church or an ecumenical church. Such prideful schism is tragic as God is no fool, even if satan's minions are.
Is there a reason that the claims are so vague in this presentation? The claim I'm most intrigued by is that of the purpose of marriage being "inversed." Is not marriage for the promulgation of God's Holy People and to reveal the nature of God's sacrificial love in public life?
Ultimately, yes. Many used Vatican II to take advantage of the same smoke that Pope Leo XII mentioned. Ironically, they …More
Is there a reason that the claims are so vague in this presentation? The claim I'm most intrigued by is that of the purpose of marriage being "inversed." Is not marriage for the promulgation of God's Holy People and to reveal the nature of God's sacrificial love in public life?
Ultimately, yes. Many used Vatican II to take advantage of the same smoke that Pope Leo XII mentioned. Ironically, they did so by never actually calling on the documents of Vatican II but in the "Spirit of Vatican Two!"