The Miracle at Garabandal and the Conversion of Russia. Of major significance is the relatively unknown and less publicized locution of Our Blessed Lord to visionary Conchita Gonzalez. The event took …More
The Miracle at Garabandal and the Conversion of Russia.

Of major significance is the relatively unknown and less publicized locution of Our Blessed Lord to visionary Conchita Gonzalez. The event took place in 1963.

"What is the purpose of the Miracle?" To convert many souls?

"To convert the whole world"

"Will Russia be converted?"

"She will be converted also, and then everyone will love Our Hearts"
end quote.
We are also told The Great and Future Miracle will coincide with a 'Happy Ecclesiastical Event in Church'
and there would be NO THIRD WORLD WAR.
"I'm a guy that you got banned." @Mike Yerian Nope. I'd love to take credit for it on my own. Best I can claim is only contributing to it. You've made a lot of friends here. ;-)
They're not all vocal, either. You argue with people, some of them back down, but they don't forget the way Big Mouth Jimmy was throwing his weight around.
"As such, I couldn't use my first account, which was my first and …More
"I'm a guy that you got banned." @Mike Yerian Nope. I'd love to take credit for it on my own. Best I can claim is only contributing to it. You've made a lot of friends here. ;-)

They're not all vocal, either. You argue with people, some of them back down, but they don't forget the way Big Mouth Jimmy was throwing his weight around.

"As such, I couldn't use my first account, which was my first and last name."

:D Even that's a lie. :D Your first account was "JMY45".

"If I tried that I couldn't get logged in."

...because you got banned for the same reason you keep getting banned.

"Hence the aliases, which most people, including YOU, have with no issues."

You don't speak for "most people". This is one of your standard tactics... Jimmy being Jimmy. Fact is, "most people" who run websites immediately ban new sock-puppet accounts from previously banned users.

GTV chooses to exercise Christian charity which you shamelessly abuse. Just because the admin puts up with your garbage (for now) doesn't mean "most people" approve you running differnt "aliases".

"And since you are obsessed with me..."

LOL. This again? Really? You pull this same rhetorical gimmick on @Mathathias Maccabeus all the time. "Yer obsessed with meeee..." You need new material, Jimmy. I've been telling you that for years now.

"You virtually threatened me with your investigative abilities, which aren't much."

You play the victim very badly and you're a liar. I've never threatened you, "virtually" or otherwise.

No, you went snooping after me in the physical world because you lost a few arguments online, Poor Jimmy. :P You didn't like it much when I took an (still friendly) interest in who was up to no good.

"I don't care what you know about me, what I care about, though is how you are allowed to be an unchristian, uncharitable menace here."

THIS from the guy who tries hunting someone down offline, just because he keeps losing debates on a Catholic forum. Then you piously whine about a "menace". Be grateful I'm not a spiteful maggot like you. I leave you and yours alone. I don't stoop to your level. I don't need to. That's loser behavior from a sore loser.

"and others get banned for stooping to that level."

Fact Check: You're the only one who keeps getting banned around here. :D

...for the same reason you always do. Crazy Jimmy ranting "heretical antipope Bergoglio" non-stop, day after day. You just refuse to accept 1.) that isn't Catholic 2.) that isn't acceptable on GTV 3.) this isn't your personal Ann Barnhardt recruiting center and fan-shrine.

"Again, you're involved somehow with the higher ups."

...that explains why I allow you to rant for weeks on end, yes?

...that explains why you're still here, yes? .

...that expalisn why I tolerate a mouth-breather like Steve D. C'mon, Jimmy. :P You're not scamming anyone with this kind of BS.

"You seem to get a kick out of it, which is even worse."

I get a "kick" out of defending The Church against falsehoods and debunking those who try to mislead Catholics. It's not my fault I'm right. That's because I side with The Church. You should try it some time. :)

"Anyway, you keep talking about people being off topic, but all you do is go off topic."

My first comment here was a reply to yours. ;-) Whoops. Unlike you, I don't have an agenda to push.

"Pro tip: if you don't like me you do not have to engage with me. I certainly don't like it."

Entirely understandable. Falsehood never likes being corrected, especially when it's trying very hard to mislead others. In that, you're no different than any other crank.

"I am what I am and I'm pretty happy with it."

That's the sad part. Truly.
"I'm not afraid of confronting bad things, like, oh, the situation in Rome. You seem scared."
...this from the guy who just "blocked" a direct reply. :D "You seem scared..." :PMore
"I'm not afraid of confronting bad things, like, oh, the situation in Rome. You seem scared."

...this from the guy who just "blocked" a direct reply. :D "You seem scared..." :P
Mike Yerian
@Ultraviolet my name is James Michael Yerian. Most people call me Mike. You didn't ban me the last time. I left. Glad to see you're still the same old anonymous coward you always have been. See you around.
Correction: I've never banned you. Truly. I'm not a moderator nor do the actual moderators obey me. If they did, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. ;-)
"my name is James Michael Yerian."
Over the last few years, you "corrected" me several times on what your "real" name was with different answers. At this point I'd have to go double-check. Sad, but you are what you are.More
Correction: I've never banned you. Truly. I'm not a moderator nor do the actual moderators obey me. If they did, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. ;-)

"my name is James Michael Yerian."

Over the last few years, you "corrected" me several times on what your "real" name was with different answers. At this point I'd have to go double-check. Sad, but you are what you are.
"Glad to see you're still the same old anonymous coward you always have been."
Along with the rest of the online world. Most of us have families, even if you don't. We don't need a vindictive man-child targeting them just because he wants revenge after he lost an argument on the internet. But, as I said, you are what you are. ;-)More
"Glad to see you're still the same old anonymous coward you always have been."

Along with the rest of the online world. Most of us have families, even if you don't. We don't need a vindictive man-child targeting them just because he wants revenge after he lost an argument on the internet. But, as I said, you are what you are. ;-)
Mike Yerian
I'm a guy that you got banned. As such, I couldn't use my first account, which was my first and last name. If I tried that I couldn't get logged in. Hence the aliases, which most people, including YOU, have with no issues.
My name is James Michael Yerian. And since you are obsessed with me I'm surprised you don't already know that. @Ultraviolet
You virtually threatened me with your investigative …More
I'm a guy that you got banned. As such, I couldn't use my first account, which was my first and last name. If I tried that I couldn't get logged in. Hence the aliases, which most people, including YOU, have with no issues.

My name is James Michael Yerian. And since you are obsessed with me I'm surprised you don't already know that. @Ultraviolet

You virtually threatened me with your investigative abilities, which aren't much. I don't care what you know about me, what I care about, though is how you are allowed to be an unchristian, uncharitable menace here and others get banned for stooping to that level.

Again, you're involved somehow with the higher ups. And well, that's what it is.

You are who you are are too. And it's not good. You seem to get a kick out of it, which is even worse.

Anyway, you keep talking about people being off topic, but all you do is go off topic. You have a real 3rd-grade-ish view of , well, everything.

Pro tip: if you don't like me you do not have to engage with me. I certainly don't like it.

I am what I am and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm not afraid of confronting bad things, like, oh, the situation in Rome. You seem scared.
Live Mike
Major insight from this citation from the 'Bible of Garabandal', Se fue con prisas a la Montaña (She went in haste to the Mountain):
"During the winter of 1963, he [Serafín] felt that as the eldest brother and the man of the house, he should take a stand concerning Conchita. So one night while the family was in the kitchen of the house, he said to Conchita, “You will have to tell us once and for …
Major insight from this citation from the 'Bible of Garabandal', Se fue con prisas a la Montaña (She went in haste to the Mountain):

"During the winter of 1963, he [Serafín] felt that as the eldest brother and the man of the house, he should take a stand concerning Conchita. So one night while the family was in the kitchen of the house, he said to Conchita, “You will have to tell us once and for all what this is all about; we can’t go on like this. And don’t be afraid of what will happen . . . I’m ready to take you away from the village and bring you anywhere you want. If you want to go to school, we can arrange that too . . . But we have to know the truth. All these things about the apparitions: Are they true, or are they something that you made up?” Conchita replied that it was true, that she had seen the Virgin, that it wasn’t something that the girls made up, and that there was no reason to leave the village . .
The matter remained that way during the night. But the next day, while Serafín was in the kitchen and his sister upstairs, he heard her call him, “Serafín! Come up a minute.” The man told me [Father Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera] he felt as if his heart missed a beat as he thought, “There it is! She has finally made up her mind. She must have thought about this all night long and is going to tell me that it has all been a fraud.”
—“What do you want?” He asked her on arriving upstairs.
—“So that you can see that all this is true, the Virgin has told me to tell you this . . .”

And she talked to him about the Miracle, and explained in what it was going to consist. Later Conchita wrote it down briefly on the back of a holy card of the Child Jesus, which Serafín keeps concealed and which none of the family have seen. And she told him that it would occur when a definite event in the Church [*un determinado acontecimiento en la Iglesia] took place, and she also explained it to him. Only in this way does Serafín know the date of the miracle. Later Serafín and I [Father Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera] discussed the following excerpt from a leaflet written by Dr. Puncernau:

---During one of my trips to the pastures, I [Dr. Puncernau] was alone with Serafín and we were eating in the barn. After eating, I tried to draw him out since it was said that he knew from Conchita when the Warning would be. I [Dr. Puncernau] drew the conclusion that if he [Serafín] knew, he didn’t want to say. The only thing that I got definitely from him was that it would be preceded by a special happening in the Church. After many questions and answers, it seemed clear to me from his vague remarks that it would be something like a schism. That is the way I [Dr. Puncernau] understood it.---

—“And what do you say about Dr. Puncernau’s opinion?” I [Father Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera] asked Serafín.
—“He [Dr. Puncernau] is free to think what he wants. But I [Serafín] don’t think I gave him reasons for such an opinion.”

—“But will this happening actually be a schism in the Church?”
—“I [Serafín] have nothing to say.”

"During that May of 1976, I [Father Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera] spoke also with Jacinta’s mother, María. She told me that she had heard repeatedly from her daughter that affairs were going to go very bad for the Church, that the Eucharist would constantly be given less importance, that many priests would become worse and worse, and that wickedness would spread everywhere. It can be noticed that Dr. Puncernau does not speak of the Miracle, but of the Warning. Is this a mistake? Perhaps not." - She went in haste to the Mountain by Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, O.F.M., CAP. Translated from Spanish by B. Miller, Gerard Suel and Otto Miller Second English Edition of 1981 original translation published unaltered in one volume in 2003 pdf p. 577-578.

*NOTE: the phrase "un determinado acontecimiento en la Iglesia" can be translated;
- "a particular event (occurrence) in the Church"
- "a specific event (occurrence) in the Church"
- "a definite event (occurrence) in the Church"
- "a certain event (occurrence) in the Church"
However, it is INCORRECT to translate that phrase as "a great event in the Church" or "a happy event in the Church."

“Serafín, Conchita’s brother, affirms having heard his sister announce during an ecstasy, that the Warning will be brought about after the Church has been cruelly torn by something like a schism.”
- Garabandal The Village Speaks by Ramon Pérez. Translated from the French by Annette I. Curot Mathews. Translation published in 1981 p. 350-351.

Antonia Gonzalez, Conchita's aunt, stated, "I have also heard them say that if we do not amend our lives, Russia will rule the world. Yes, they said all that, in front of me, during their ecstasy. And also that some big Chastisement would come. Conchita often repeated it. She also talked about the cardinals - that they would go against the Pope." - Garabandal The Village Speaks by Ramon Pérez. Translated from the French by Annette I. Curot Mathews. Translation published in 1981 p. 206.
I was a young man in my mid twenties when the Events of Garabandal took place. Since 1980, I have been actively promoting the Holy Virgins Messages for 40 years as member of the worldwide Garabandal Apostolate. I have met two of the Visionaries and spoken extensively with the world's leading promoters of the events including Joey Lomangino, amongst others.
While I appreciate your input I do not …More
I was a young man in my mid twenties when the Events of Garabandal took place. Since 1980, I have been actively promoting the Holy Virgins Messages for 40 years as member of the worldwide Garabandal Apostolate. I have met two of the Visionaries and spoken extensively with the world's leading promoters of the events including Joey Lomangino, amongst others.

While I appreciate your input I do not necessarily accept all of your personal interpretations but instead I rely on those from the seers and eyewitnesses to the events as primary source material.

Multiple interpretations, by others are always open to mis-interpretation and should to be treated with caution. For example your quote claiming Antonia Gonzalez saying that "Some big chastisement will come” is patently incorrect. Why? Because the Chastisement is Conditional and depends upon whether or not the world responds to The Holy Virgins Messages.

I standby my comment-relating to a 'Happy Ecclesiastical Event' co-inciding with the Great Miracle and therefore do not share your opinion about it.
Live Mike
And, sadly, you have been in error for all that time if you thought "un determinado acontecimiento en la Iglesia" means what you stated. Dear John, you must go to the original language for the truth of the matter. These are not my interpretations. These are facts that you don't want to see as they destroy your long held mistaken notions of the historical record.
Reply to my example and stop attempting to belittle me and others unwilling to share your enlightened opinion.
Live Mike
No attempt to belittle you has ever been made... I was correcting the record.
Live Mike
We have a responsibility to get it right if we are going to market Garabandal.
DO YOUR HOME WORK. How long have you been promoting The Holy Virgins Messages rather than other multiple events? DISCUSSION CLOSED.
Live Mike
What's a joke, John? The fact that you and many others like you have held an error in translation for more than 40 years. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you these things... but nevertheless they are facts. I have done my homework, John. Have you ever read the quote in the original Spanish - the language that the seers and the author spoke? I would like to add that your work in promoting Garabandal …More
What's a joke, John? The fact that you and many others like you have held an error in translation for more than 40 years. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you these things... but nevertheless they are facts. I have done my homework, John. Have you ever read the quote in the original Spanish - the language that the seers and the author spoke? I would like to add that your work in promoting Garabandal for so many years is commendable.
Here again Michael you are evading the issue. Sure you're done your homework but clearly not on Garabandal .
Live Mike
Thanks John
Live Mike
Yes, the severity, the intensity of the Chastisement is "conditional" and can be mitigated depending upon the amount of prayer, sacrifice and penance that we all perform. I think it is a misinterpretation to think that the Chastisement could be avoided altogether.
One more comment from Live Mike
Live Mike
June 19, 1962 - The Nights of Screams of Jacinta, Mari Loli and Mari Cruz (Shortly afterwards Jacinta, Mari Loli confirmed the coming Chastisement).
“The Virgin told us:
That we do not expect the Chastisement; That without expecting it, it will come;
Since the world has not changed. And she has already told us twice; And we do not pay attention to her,
Since the world is getting worse. And it …
June 19, 1962 - The Nights of Screams of Jacinta, Mari Loli and Mari Cruz (Shortly afterwards Jacinta, Mari Loli confirmed the coming Chastisement).

“The Virgin told us:
That we do not expect the Chastisement; That without expecting it, it will come;
Since the world has not changed. And she has already told us twice; And we do not pay attention to her,
Since the world is getting worse. And it should change very much. And it has not changed at all.
Prepare yourself. Confess, Because the Chastisement will come soon. And the world continues the same . . .
I tell you this:
That the world continues the same. How unfortunate that it does not change!
Soon will come a very great Chastisement, If it does not change.”
- María Dolores Mazón, Jacinta González

"This is the message faithfully reproduced; the only thing I have added is the punctuation and the distribution into lines to make it easier to understand. (The girls wrote all these things one right after the other without a single comma or period.)
With their poor capacity for expression, they sought with this repetition of ideas to inculcate forcefully the few basic things that they had heard and seen (and in what a way!) in the course of the apparition:
That the Chastisement (I write this with a capital so that no one will interpret it to be an ordinary chastisement.) announced in the first message of October 18th was inexorably going to come. The reason for this is that only penitential reform could save us from it, and instead of this, what is happening in the world today is a rapid progression down the road of filthiest deviations."

June 23, 1962 - Our Lady gives Jacinta and Mari Loli the following important message.

“The Virgin has told us:
That the world continues the same, that it has not changed at all; That few will see God; so few they are, that it is causing the Virgin great sorrow. How unfortunate that the world does not change!
The Virgin has told us that the Chastisement is coming. As the world is not changing, the cup is filling up.
How sorrowful is the Virgin, although she does not allow us to see it. Since the Virgin loves us so much, she suffers alone, since she is so good. Everyone be good, so that the Virgin will be happy!
She has told us that those who are good should pray for those who are evil.
Yes, we should pray to God for the world, for those who do not know Him.
Be good, be very good.”
- María Dolores Mazón, Jacinta González

- She went in haste to the Mountain by Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, O.F.M., CAP. Translated from Spanish by B. Miller, Gerard Suel and Otto Miller Second English Edition of 1981 original translation published unaltered in one volume in 2003 pdf p. 413-414 & 421
No, wrong again. The seers were given a preview of the Chastisement if it comes. That is consistent with the conditional nature of the event so described to the seers.
Live Mike
Prepare to be surprised, John
'Averted' means to be prevented from happening - relax. No doomsday predictions aka World War Three from me - not yet anyway. I'll leave that to the Soothsayers to scare the living daylights out of the ignorant and unprepared.
Live Mike
About the "world war" and "chastisement"... If I were you, I'd invest in blindfolds.
Seems to me you're getting desperate. Respectfully suggest you remove your last comment.
Live Mike
@LiveJohn , how does God satisfy His Justice amongst the nations? (Here I'm not speaking about an individual person but the social construct that is a 'nation') How is God's Justice satisfied with regard to them? Will 'nation' stand before the Judgement Seat of Almighty God at the General Judgement to answer for it's sins? Or is it necessary for God to mete out His Justice before the End of the …More
@LiveJohn , how does God satisfy His Justice amongst the nations? (Here I'm not speaking about an individual person but the social construct that is a 'nation') How is God's Justice satisfied with regard to them? Will 'nation' stand before the Judgement Seat of Almighty God at the General Judgement to answer for it's sins? Or is it necessary for God to mete out His Justice before the End of the World in the form of a Chastisement over that 'nation' which is a source of responsibility in itself? Yes, hypothetically, maybe the Chastisement can be "averted." But the current state of affairs around the world has gotten so bad that it demands a level of penance once demonstrated by the Assyrian people of Nineveh - who fasted, and put on ashes & sackcloth. I think anything less than these extreme penitential measures will result in "various nations being annihilated" in the Heaven-sent Chastisement. Certainly, you are able to comprehend my meaning.
@Live Mike. I think you have an obsessive fixation on matters unrelated to my latest post. Instead of wasting your time attacking me, why don't you address the content of Conchita's locution as posted.
Live Mike
This writer has no issue with the quote from Conchita. My concern is what was written after it - the simple statement being at variance with the historical record of Garabandal.
@Live Mike You wrote: "This writer has no issue with the quote from Conchita."
Thank you.
"Bergoglio is a heretic as well" Hey, it's Jimmy! He's back under yet another a new name! Nothing else has changed from the last ban for such comments just a few days ago.
I'm sorry to see you feel that noting a falsehood from a repeat offender is a waste of time, i.e. "get a life". You might want to ask that question to the dude who keeps making such untruths in the first place, no matter how many times he gets banned for it. This is, what? His fourth, fifth, account just this year? No joke, you need a score card to keep track of them all.
UV Are you a Psychopath, Narcissist or both? If you reply to my question you have just shot yourself in the foot and lost all credibility. GOODBYE
I won't reply to your question at all. I will point out it's a fallacy of a false dilemma and you're being rude even though I was being courteous to you. Don't act too surprised when that changes. ;-)
Only an idiot would use this imagery.
The irony was obviously lost on you. "Only an idiot would..." Is this better?
@Mike Yerin. Thank you for your interest. My post referred to the consequences of a future Miracle promised by the Blessed Mother at Garabandal. Don't rule out the possibility that the Ecclesiastical Event includes a Papal Election and the Consecration of Russia concurrently, (Happy Event) In such a case the consecration WILL BE LATE.
@Catholic Doors . Negative comments not appreciated. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
Mike Yerian
If Bergoglio were to 'consecrate' Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart with the bishops, it would have no effect. Indeed, it might make things worse. The pope and the rest of the bishops ("The Church") needs to do this. If something is led by an antipope it cannot be legitimate.
Also, since Bergoglio is a heretic as well, he simply won't do anything that promotes Christian peace and salvation.More
If Bergoglio were to 'consecrate' Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart with the bishops, it would have no effect. Indeed, it might make things worse. The pope and the rest of the bishops ("The Church") needs to do this. If something is led by an antipope it cannot be legitimate.

Also, since Bergoglio is a heretic as well, he simply won't do anything that promotes Christian peace and salvation.
Jeffrey Ade
I was thinking he could try to pull it off as a mocking gesture and when it wasn't accepted by Heaven for obvious reasons,he could say "see I told you so!"