
10M Lawsuit: Francis Victim Dies

Ferrucio Panicco, 63, the Vatican's ex-deputy auditor general, died of prostate cancer in Turin on June 21. He was part of a ten-million-dollar lawsuit against the Vatican for wrongful dismissal and …More
Ferrucio Panicco, 63, the Vatican's ex-deputy auditor general, died of prostate cancer in Turin on June 21.
He was part of a ten-million-dollar lawsuit against the Vatican for wrongful dismissal and damages for withholding his medical records.
Panicco contended that the Vatican had caused him to suffer “very serious” damage to his health because medical records relating to “extensive diagnostic tests” he had undergone for cancer at the Vatican’s medical facility disappeared when his office was raided and were never recovered.
He was forced to repeat the tests in Turin, delaying the diagnosis.
Picture: Ferrucio Panicco RIP © via ncregister.com, #newsBgcdhuehvy
Hound of Heaven
At least he will have a fair judgement in the next life. RIP
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Another trick by evil Pope Francis and his thugs. He runs the Vatican and the Church the way the Mafia would run things, with hit men and secrete police, informants and those who try to cover it all up and present Francis as innocent it the affair.
What was done to this good man, and to Bishop Strickland this week with a investigative hit squad is sick. No other recent Popes would do this. Francis …More
Another trick by evil Pope Francis and his thugs. He runs the Vatican and the Church the way the Mafia would run things, with hit men and secrete police, informants and those who try to cover it all up and present Francis as innocent it the affair.
What was done to this good man, and to Bishop Strickland this week with a investigative hit squad is sick. No other recent Popes would do this. Francis acts like Juan Peron, Stalin, Mao and Hitler in his little squads of deadly loyal thugs. I would not be surprised if he recruits hit squads to eliminate his critics (Cardinal Pell).
But when Francis is soon dead and a new Pope elected, all this will be dismantled.
The only way to bring him and his people down, is to do as Bishop Strickland, and faithful Catholic who continue with the Latin Mass. Face Francis and his people down. Say "We're not afraid of you!", and then continue standing up for Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Latin Mass and Catholic tradition.
Nothing would infuriate Francis more, than to know good Catholics are not afraid of him or his actions.
And I hope this good man's family wins the lawsuit against the VAtican. Let's start bringing them down.