Don Minutella claims to have a “message from heaven”

Don Minutella’s warning to the Clergy of the world: You have till Easter to repent

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo There was much interest, the other day, when I made reference to the warning given by Don Alessandro …
@DRDAHM Do tell what he was "excommunicated" for.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
He was not excommunicated, because Bergoglio has no authority to excommunciate a fig. Don Minutella basically said, Bergoglio is a pertinacious public heretic, and therefore cannot be the pope.
@Frà Alexis Bugnolo I know, I was trying to make a point.
DRDAHM so was Saint Athanasius whilst Saint Joanna d'Arc was not only excommunicated but also burned... The substance of Don Minutella's message is to follow true Catholic Church - its magisterium - and recognize true pope Benedict XVI. Anything contrary to CC should be disregarded whomever teaches falsehoods,, including false private locutions.
This priest was excommunicated in 2018.