
Most eloquent condemnation of Cardinal Fernandez and his Pornographic Path

Mystical Passion... and perverse A new book comes to light, a new scandal, by Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the …
Wilma Lopez shares this
"I have just read a book written by what I can only attribute to a perverse mind. And I have done so because I felt compelled to do so before writing this article. I have never been through anything so disgusting in my life. I had never encountered so much baseness and perversion, such as those distilled in the pages of that filth called La Pasión Mística, published in Mexico in 1998."
Wilma Lopez
Conclusion: "naturally, Pope Francis must dismiss him."
John A Cassani
It’s far more likely that Bergoglio is very happy with this, since Tucho is so compromised that he would never dare to challenge anything the “big guy” wants to do. That’s what I’d have my money on, anyway. It’s not like anyone up there actually cares about doctrine anyway.
Roberto 55
and himself too... 🤪