R. Reno on the knees: "I regret my foolish and ill-considered remarks about masks and mask wearing on Twitter on Tuesday, May 12. Masks are clearly indicated in many situations. I used over-heated rhetoric and false analogies. It was wrong for me to impugn the intentions and motives of others, for which I apologize."

An Apology | R. R. Reno

I regret my foolish and ill-considered remarks about masks and mask wearing on Twitter on Tuesday, May 12.
Put your mind at ease @Our Lady of Sorrows 5G doesn't involve mind-control implants. Fra Bugnolo is trying to rattle your nerves and loosen your purse. :D
Their goal of total control; that's what Stalin and Lenin wanted too.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Our Lady of Sorrows
"COVID-19 stunt, to justify contact tracing, vaccines for genetic modification and microchip implants, to make humanity submit to the end goal, of making the common man accept implants which through 5G will be able to control everyone as robot slaves for the Globalist elite, who alone will remain human"