
Bergoglio Presided Snow Globe Crucifix Eucharist

A photo has appeared showing Buenos Aires Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio presiding a Novus Ordo Eucharist in Villa 31, a Buenos Aires slum. The event took place on a table, in front of a snow globe …More
A photo has appeared showing Buenos Aires Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio presiding a Novus Ordo Eucharist in Villa 31, a Buenos Aires slum.
The event took place on a table, in front of a snow globe crucifix. Bergoglio also "consecrated" the NO missal which was put on the corporal together with the chalice and the hosts.
The organisers were more careful with the technical equipment. At least they used a proper microphone.
suzana monika klara
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Lucretia - Wikipedia Du har skickat tips dobila od 1 anonimne zenske na wordpress ona se pojavila u lucia …More
i have had an snowglobe as child very common in sweden todays sellings HOLY FAMILY CHRISTMAS CRIBS INTO SAME GLOBUS Many Priest in Hell – Human Respect jako dobro je to slozija josip dwight OFM My Life was Saved by a Beautiful Woman - Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC


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Nevjerojatno, pogledajte ovo! U ovoj crkvi nema kipa Gospe ali vjernici ga vide: Nemamo objašnjenje što se događa Objavio Zrinka -14. studenoga 2022. Možda zvuči nevjerojatno, ali je istinito. U niši oltarne pale kapele svetišta Gospe Lurdske u Alta Graciji (Argentina) nema kipa Djevice, ali zapravo se može vidjeti njezina slika čak i kad je potvrđeno da je mjesto potpuno prazno. Slika koju vjernici vide nije plošna nego reljefna, trodimenzionalna. Izgleda kao hologram. To nije psihološka iluzija koja proizlazi iz uzvišene odanosti nekih hodočasnika, pisala je Aleteia. Svi oni koji idu u svetište, vjernici ili ne, to vide, a to ostaje zabilježeno na fotografijama koje nastaju. Ljekovita smreka grm je jači od antibitika: Izvrstan lijek za brojne tegobe i bolesti Ljekovita smreka grm je jači od antibitika: Izvrstan lijek za brojne tegobe i bolesti U NJEMAČKOJ UKIDAJU SAKRAMENTE, SVEĆENICI NISU POTREBNI? Skandalozne upute uznemiruju vjernike U NJEMAČKOJ UKIDAJU SAKRAMENTE, SVEĆENICI NISU POTREBNI? Skandalozne upute uznemiruju vjernike Linker Slika se može vrlo jasno vidjeti s ulaznih vrata i nestaje kako se približavate oltaru. Od kada se javlja ovaj fenomen? Kapela je sagrađena i blagoslovljena 1927. godine, a dugi niz godina u središtu oltarne pale nalazio se kip Gospe Lurdske. U kolovozu 2011. kip je uklonjen iz niše radi restauracije. Jedan od svećenika svetišta spremao se zatvoriti kapelu i s glavnih vrata ugledao je sliku koja je izgledala poput žbuke na mjestu koje je prije zauzimao kip. Prišao je i dok je prilazio slika je blijedila. Kip jednostavno nije bio tamo, već tamo gdje je bio pohranjen. Suočeni s fenomenom, vidljivim svakome tko tamo zađe, braća karmelićani iz svetišta Gospe Lurdske izdali su priopćenje u kojem su potvrdili: “Očitovanje slike Presvete Djevice Marije još nema racionalno objašnjenje. Božji narod to mora protumačiti kao znak povećanja i produbljivanja kršćanske vjere i probuditi u srcima ljudi obraćenje na ljubav Božju i sudjelovanje u životu Crkve”. Povijest kapelice Kapelica se nalazi u velikoj zgradi smještenoj u parku od nekoliko hektara u kojem je 1916. godine svečano otvorena replika špilje Massabielle u Lourdesu, gdje se 1858. godine Djevica ukazala svetoj Bernadette Soubirous. Ova špilja postala je hodočasničko odredište sa sve većim očitovanjima ljubavi prema Majci Božjoj. Godine 1922. formirano je povjerenstvo za izgradnju kapelice uz špilju, čiji je kamen temeljac postavljen 1924. godine i koja je blagoslovio ju je tadašnji biskup Córdobe, monsinjor José Anselmo Luque, 1927. godine.


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France: Jewish Actor Converts to Church Moroccan-born French humourist Gad Elmaleh, 51, is converting to Catholicism. His ex-partners included Charlotte Casiraghi, daughter of Princess Caroline …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
When I was in college, one of the aged priests who taught Theology on campus decided to celebrate a "Youth Mass". By the time I was there 9 years ago, there were only 4 priests teaching (I thinks its about the same today)......but close to 80 teaching before Vatican II). There's close to 20,000 undergraduates, and about 350 faculty. This priest chose to substitute pizza for the Host, and beer as …More
When I was in college, one of the aged priests who taught Theology on campus decided to celebrate a "Youth Mass". By the time I was there 9 years ago, there were only 4 priests teaching (I thinks its about the same today)......but close to 80 teaching before Vatican II). There's close to 20,000 undergraduates, and about 350 faculty. This priest chose to substitute pizza for the Host, and beer as the wine. I was so surprised I left when I saw the big pepperoni pizza on a tray before he could "consecrate it". Some other students thought it was VERY funny...but in a weird way, not approving.
I think the priest is dead now( he was in his 70's then), but I would not be surprised if Francis celebrated a "mass" in Argentina supstituting an espanada for the Host, and mate for the wine.. 🤪😂
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur
He has always been a heretic and pedo friend
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What a surprise! Today is All Souls Day, and the usuall Mass in the VAtican was held for Cardinals and Bishops who died during the year. Bergoglio, as usuall, sat in a chair while Cardinal Re celebrated the Mass. Francis hasn't celebrated Mass in nearly a year. After the Mass, held at the "Altar of the CHair", Bergoglio was wheeled away in his wheelchair. He sat slumped in it, and did not acknowledge …More
What a surprise! Today is All Souls Day, and the usuall Mass in the VAtican was held for Cardinals and Bishops who died during the year. Bergoglio, as usuall, sat in a chair while Cardinal Re celebrated the Mass. Francis hasn't celebrated Mass in nearly a year. After the Mass, held at the "Altar of the CHair", Bergoglio was wheeled away in his wheelchair. He sat slumped in it, and did not acknowledge anyone attending the Mass. Rude.
He is probably to busy thinking of his trip tomorrow to Bahrain to visit his beloved Muslims.