
"Blessing Homosexual Couples Contradicts Scripture" - "Will Serve Globalists"

Excerpt from the Pastoral Letter of His Excellency Paul Kariuki Njiru, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wote – Kenya (December 27)

While is true that the declaration Fiducia Supplicans does not change the Catholic Doctrine on marriage and sexuality it however, opens a new dangerous door that is totally unacceptable - for it gives the possibility of approval of quasi-ritual blessing formulae that will lead the Catholic Church to bless these couples in irregular situation and same-sex couples in a liturgical set up in the future.

Allow me to echo the words of Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of Ukrainian Catholic Prelate who said that blessing of a priest always has an Evangelical Catechetical dimension and therefore can in no way contradict the teaching of the Catholic Church. Cardinal Shevchuk affirms that pastoral prudence urges us to avoid ambiguous gestures, expressions and concepts that would distort or misrepresent God's word and the teaching of the Church.

The idea and thought of Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez of Dicastery of Doctrine of Faith, that Cardinals and Bishops cannot prohibit what Pope Francis has permitted with Fiducia Supplicans is mistaken. We Bishops, like Saints Peter and John, we will say "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight for us to obey you rather than God" (cf. Acts 4,19-20).

Since this declaration totally contradicts what Pope Francis himself approved in 2021 concerning same-sex unions, that may no manner be blessed because the Church cannot ask God to bless sin, I hereby prohibit all priests in the Catholic Diocese of Wote from blessing of couples in irregular situation or same-sex couples.

Therefore, to bless couples in an irregular situation or the same-sex couples who are not ready for conversion directly and seriously contradicts the Scripture Teachings and Sound Magisterium. Worse more still, in this 21st Century, it will only support the propagandist of the globalist and ungodly gender ideology.

In conclusion, the Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith "FIDUCIA SUPPLICANS" should be rejected in totality.

😂 😂 😂 😍 😍 😍 🤪 Ya just gotta LOVE these African Bishops!