
Bishop of Cordoba: There Is No "Traditional Family"

The Bishop of Cordoba, Spain, Monsignor Demetrio Fernández, doesn't want to speak of the "traditional family" because it sounds as if the family were something that is outdated. "We prefer to call it the 'Christian family'," he writes on DiocesisDeCordoba.es (28 December).

He explains the truism that the Christian family is made up of a man and a woman, united in love and open to children: "Other forms that today want to call themselves family are not. They neither correspond to God's plan, nor are they capable of transmitting life, nor are they complementary to the male and female sex".

Monsignor Fernández also reminds us that adultery, marital infidelity and all kinds of selfishness are "as old as sin". They creep through the "cracks of the human heart".

Picture: Demetrio Fernández © Conferencia Episcopal Española , CC BY-SA, #newsJxzdigjsuj

He makes excellent points, but I would not necessarily describe the family as the "Christian family," but the "Natural family" seems better. Why? The true family is based on Natural Law, not necessarily "Christian Revelation." For example, The Country of India is one of the most Conservative Countries in the world with a very low divorce rate, but only a very small Christian minority. "Conservative …More
He makes excellent points, but I would not necessarily describe the family as the "Christian family," but the "Natural family" seems better. Why? The true family is based on Natural Law, not necessarily "Christian Revelation." For example, The Country of India is one of the most Conservative Countries in the world with a very low divorce rate, but only a very small Christian minority. "Conservative" generally equates to adherence to "Natural Law."
Grace does not go against nature, but presupposes it.
Yes, natural law, traditional family.
I smell here a contempt for the concept of "traditional". And even a certain enmity.
So....is he going to permit his Priests to bless so-called sodomite couples, or not? I guess I must have missed that part.
You hit the nail on the head. Keep waiting