
Francis and Benedict: Nice Words and Ugly Deeds - Seewald

Benedict did not know much about Cardinal Bergoglio, except that "he was known for his authoritarian leadership", Benedict's biographer Peter Seewald told LaNuovaBq.it (27 December).

"Benedict [naively] trusted Francis. But he was bitterly disappointed several times".

When Bergoglio became pope, he wrote nice letters to Ratzinger, calling him a "great pope", while at the same time he "erased much of what was precious and dear to Ratzinger". Seewalds examples are that Francis "banned" the Mass and "guillotined" many people who supported "Ratzinger's course" and Catholic doctrine.

Seewald says that Francis repeatedly contradicts himself, sometimes saying "white" and sometimes "black".

For Seewald, Tucho Fernández is "not qualified" to head the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. He knows that Tucho got the job only because he is a protégé of Francis. Seewald believes that until now, "suitability" was the main criterion for being appointed as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Seewald knows that Francis' claim that the majority of bishops in a worldwide poll voted to rescind Benedict's Summorum Pontificum is "not true".

Ratzinger learned of this liturgical crime from the press: "He was stabbed in the heart," comments the German biographer.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPieqnhhwnh

LISTEN: Pope Francis knows that what he and his apostate henchmen have done and are doing in obliterating the pontifical legacies of both Pope Saint John Paul the Great and Pope Benedict XVI, stands a high degree of chance of happening to his own legacy; that the next Holy Father (or even the next succession of Holy Fathers) will, at the very least, suppress the more radical of his Papal acts, and …More
LISTEN: Pope Francis knows that what he and his apostate henchmen have done and are doing in obliterating the pontifical legacies of both Pope Saint John Paul the Great and Pope Benedict XVI, stands a high degree of chance of happening to his own legacy; that the next Holy Father (or even the next succession of Holy Fathers) will, at the very least, suppress the more radical of his Papal acts, and moderate or excise the most egregious aspects of his revisions to the Church’s Magisterium. And thus, he surely knows that the only way to stop such a thing from happening is to “stack the deck” for the next Papal Conclave in favor of a candidate of his own choosing, or at least, one made in his own image and cut from the same cloth as he, who is willing to carry on his mandate and complete his unfinished work of remaking the Church into this (as he describes it) "Synodal" institution and implementing the changes to the Doctrine that he so deeply and intensely desires.

And with the worldwide revulsion and shocked outrage demonstrated by the many official responses to his sodomite-blessing Declaration from Prelates of all stripes all over the globe, he now knows that he cannot count on the Sacred College of Cardinals alone to do his bidding at the next Conclave and elect a “Francis II.” That the Cardinal-Electors will go his way and enforce his will after his demise is a concept that is no longer viable or guaranteed, even taking into account the fact that he has now conferred the Red Hat on a majority of those who will most likely be able to vote in the upcoming Conclave. Therefore, more importantly (and for the Church, more dangerously), he now understands that the only SURE and CERTAIN way for him to “stack the deck” in order to achieve the outcome he so desperately wants and requires and that will solidify his legacy, is to use his power and authority as Supreme Pontiff and Chief Legislator of the Church to utterly, severely and radically CHANGE the rules of the Conclave as they are presently defined, in such a way that the manner and process by which a Pope is selected is drastically, extensively and fundamentally altered – altered so as to guarantee that HIS preferred candidate or one he’d approve of is ushered onto the Throne of Saint Peter as the next Bishop of Rome.

It is not a joke, that we are hearing rumors of massive constitutional changes to the rules governing Papal Conclaves allegedly on the horizon; changes that would remove the privilege of selecting the Pope from the exclusive domain of the Cardinal-Electors of the Sacred College of Cardinals, and would extend that ancient privilege to include selected Bishops representing various national Episcopal Conferences, Superiors General of Religious institutes and societies, representatives of laymen organizations, noted theologians, and – God forbid – even women. Of course, he'd do so under the guise of updating the election procedures to fit his "include everybody" obsession; thereby justifying his changes as making the Conclave a more "synodal-type" process, to match what he has tried to do with the whole Church. Despite Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda’s passionate and vehement denials to the contrary, in which he expresses outrage that anyone would dare to name and connect him with such goings-on, and that to his knowledge, there are no such changes in the making, there can be no doubt whatsoever that the Holy Father KNOWS there is no other way to continue his agenda and to protect it from those who would stop it and dismantle what he’s attempted to achieve. And like a wounded animal, desperate and fearful for his future, he will do whatever he thinks is necessary for survival, striking out at anything with all of the power he has available, regardless of how radical or unorthodox such actions may be, and what ultimate consequences they may bring about. But you can be sure, that at his age and in his current health condition, he has to target the only thing at this point that can be a REAL game-changer for him, the only thing that can guard his legacy and see the madness that has been the central driving force of his pontificate through to completion: Change the way the next Pope is elected.

Thus, as the Faithful, we must be ready and remain diligent and watchful for the NEXT diabolical attack that shall surely come to assault and mutilate the very integrity and nature of Holy Mother Church. We’re going to have to pray, and pray hard to turn back this attack, because nothing less than divine intervention will stop it. However, we must not despair, because Our Lord’s immutable promise remains invincibly in effect, even during the darkness of our time: hell’s gates will NEVER prevail against the Church. May God, in His unfathomable mercies, help us all.
Simon North
@SonoftheChurch: You have some excellent insights- but I heartily disagree on certain fundamentals.
The most devastating legacy of JP II & B XVI is . . . . . Francis (who comes from the hierarchy THEY created).
Legacy? Let's just name one of the disasters: the Dual Covenant theology.
They were both committed to the Council that altered the way the Church looks at Herself and the world. THAT'S the …More
@SonoftheChurch: You have some excellent insights- but I heartily disagree on certain fundamentals.

The most devastating legacy of JP II & B XVI is . . . . . Francis (who comes from the hierarchy THEY created).

Legacy? Let's just name one of the disasters: the Dual Covenant theology.

They were both committed to the Council that altered the way the Church looks at Herself and the world. THAT'S the real Revolution - and they were Jacobins creating the chaos during it and promoting it after.
Everyday for Life Canada
The present pontificate has essentially cancelled the work of Pope Benedict XVI and St. John Paul II. What does that tell you?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
For all the evil that Francis did to good Pope Benedict XVI, and for his vicious agenda of pulling down all that Benedict XVI stood for, Bergoglio will be equally given his just rewards for it all when he dies...which will be very,very soon.
One reward that I believe Francis will see while he is still alive, will be the crumbling of his own evil agenda for the Church as more and more rise up to …More
For all the evil that Francis did to good Pope Benedict XVI, and for his vicious agenda of pulling down all that Benedict XVI stood for, Bergoglio will be equally given his just rewards for it all when he dies...which will be very,very soon.
One reward that I believe Francis will see while he is still alive, will be the crumbling of his own evil agenda for the Church as more and more rise up to oppose him, both in the College of Cardinals, Bishops, and priests and faithful. His gay decree was the spark, that will engulf his agenda. As he is dying, he will realize that his successor will not carry on his plans, but rather recind/repudiate all of his agenda, just as he did to Benedict XVI.
Dr Bobus
For Seewald, Tucho Fernández is "not qualified" to head the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. He knows that Tucho got the job only because he is a protégé of Francis . . .
and Francis is theologically illiterate.More
For Seewald, Tucho Fernández is "not qualified" to head the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. He knows that Tucho got the job only because he is a protégé of Francis . . .

and Francis is theologically illiterate.
True Mass
Keep digging faithful. You will find that the solution lies in great part in the complete repudiation of V2.