Gloria.TV News on the 6th of February 2013 Ireland Magdalene laundries were Catholic-run workhouses for girls considered "troubled". In 2011, the UN Committee Against Torture called on the Irish …More
Gloria.TV News on the 6th of February 2013

Magdalene laundries were Catholic-run workhouses for girls considered "troubled". In 2011, the UN Committee Against Torture called on the Irish government to set up an inquiry into the treatment of about 10.000 women and girls who passed through the laundries in the Irish Republic between 1922 and 1996. The report of the inquiry committee chaired by Senator Martin McAleese found that against previous allegations there is no evidence of sexual abuse in the laundries.


The stewardship model which funds Catholic schools in the Diocese of Wichita,Kansas has blessed the diocese with numerous priestly and religious vocations, said Bob Voboril the diocesan superintendent of schools. The stewardship model started at St. Francis of Assisi parish under Monsignor Thomas McGread in 1968. He challenged his parishioners to each give at least 8 percent of their income to the parish so that all its obligations would be met and that he could pay for all the students to attend Catholic high school. In 1985 the diocese adopted its stewardship model. By giving generously to the diocese, families were able to send their children to the diocese's elementary schools for free. Since 2002 every Catholic school in the Diocese of Wichita has been tuition-free for active parishioners. Wichita's 38 schools educate nearly 11,000 students. The largely rural diocese with a mere 114,000 Catholics currently boasts 46 seminarians.


The archdiocese of Cologne under cardinal Joachim Meisner is still defending the morning-after-pill. Yesterday, Meisner’s press-office referred to an opinion of the president of the union of German gynecologists, Mr. Christian Albring. He claims that both brands of the morning-after-pill that are currently sold in Germany have only a contraceptive effect. It is hard to believe that Mr Albring is the chief witness of the archdioceses of Cologne and at the same time an abortionist and even a trainer for abortionist in Lower Saxonia in Germany. He conceals that the morning-after-pill kills in the case when the sexual intercourse has led to the fertilization of an ovum in the woman. It is a known fact that abortionist have for years denied this abortive effect of the morning-after-pill.


Harvard University Press published recently the book „Soldier of Christ:The Life of Pope Pius XII“ by who is a professor at King's College at Western University in London, Ontario. It won't be the last word in the "Pius wars", but it is one of the best, Michael Coren of The Catholic World comments. It depicts a profoundly good and devout man who, contrary to what the critics have claimed, had absolutely no personal animus against Jewish people, was active in the struggle against Nazism, and was the victim of a concerted attempt to libel him and by extension the Papacy, the Church, and serious Catholicism. Coren comments: "We may win the Pius wars, but our enemies will simply find another battleground on which to fight using any means necessary to discredit the Church.
EU citizens, please sign the petition for the protection of human embryos in the EU www.oneofus.eu
-aim: "One of Us” asks the EU to end the financing of activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid and public health.
-the pope has given his blessing to the organisers of this initiative (watch video)
-one million signatures …More
EU citizens, please sign the petition for the protection of human embryos in the EU www.oneofus.eu
-aim: "One of Us” asks the EU to end the financing of activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid and public health.
-the pope has given his blessing to the organisers of this initiative (watch video)
-one million signatures needed!
El modelo de administración que financia las escuelas católicas en la Diócesis de Wichita, Kansas ha bendecido a la diócesis con numerosas vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas. La diócesis en gran parte rural, con apenas 114.000 católicos en la actualidad cuenta con 46 seminaristas.
Harvard University Press publicó recientemente el libro "Soldado de Cristo: la vida del Papa …More

El modelo de administración que financia las escuelas católicas en la Diócesis de Wichita, Kansas ha bendecido a la diócesis con numerosas vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas. La diócesis en gran parte rural, con apenas 114.000 católicos en la actualidad cuenta con 46 seminaristas.

Harvard University Press publicó recientemente el libro "Soldado de Cristo: la vida del Papa Pío XII". Michael Coren dice que el Papa fue un hombre profundamente bueno y devoto que, contrariamente a lo que los críticos han afirmado, no tenía absolutamente ninguna animosidad personal contra el pueblo judío, era activo en la lucha contra el nazismo, y fue víctima de un intento concertado de difamación él y, por extensión, la papado, la Iglesia, y al catolicismo. 👏 👍 🤗
Coren's correct..they'll always look for something to discredit the Church. Thanks for the news!