Abortion is not just murder it’s EXTREME MURDER

1. Abortion murders the most helpless, defenseless and completely innocent human beings in the world…unborn babies. 2. Abortion is a mother murdering her own son or daughter, her own flesh and blood,…More
1. Abortion murders the most helpless, defenseless and completely innocent human beings in the world…unborn babies.
2. Abortion is a mother murdering her own son or daughter, her own flesh and blood, the one she should love, protect and nurture.
3. Abortion is elective, optional and voluntary premeditated murder. Every abortive woman makes 4, 5 or 6 deliberate decisions to murder her baby. She decides in her heart and mind to abort, calls the abortion mill for an appointment, drives to the abortion mill, has an ultrasound, and being told her baby has been alive for x number of weeks or months, signs the consent form to murder her baby and lays down on the table for the abortion.
4. Abortion is paid murder. Abortion is not free and she, or someone, is willing to pay an assassin hundreds of dollars to execute her son or daughter. This proves her willingness, in fact her determination to kill, to murder her baby.
5. Every abortion is accomplished by a living baby being crushed, beheaded, …More
chris griffin
@Heribert Nuhn.. Thanks for your reply and thank you for working with abortive mothers. Most of them may be left alone which calls for more Catholic evangelization but that does not negate any of the points that I have made.
Heribert Nuhn
Yes, mothers are part of it, but society is more guilty. We all have prepared the ground!
chris griffin
@Heribert Nuhn.. The laws legalizing abortion are the most significant factor in promoting abortion by a long shot. The pro-abortion social movement also plays a secondary role in encouraging abortion. The abortive father is almost always in favor of abortion or neutral. Failure of Christian churches to evangelize against abortion is another negative factor. 80% of abortive women are unmarried (…More
@Heribert Nuhn.. The laws legalizing abortion are the most significant factor in promoting abortion by a long shot. The pro-abortion social movement also plays a secondary role in encouraging abortion. The abortive father is almost always in favor of abortion or neutral. Failure of Christian churches to evangelize against abortion is another negative factor. 80% of abortive women are unmarried (fornication). Abortion minded mothers who are offered adoption never choose adoption, they want the baby dead.

Pregnant women need never be left alone because America is a land of churches on every corner who would be glad to help her and 2,500 crisis pregnancy centers all for free.
Heribert Nuhn
Working with mothers who had an abortion I cannot agree and I cannot accuse women alone. Yes, they are a part of it, but at a time of severe stress where they would need our support they are for the most part left alone. I find in most cases politics behind this disaster. The main political argument behind it is the lie that women need to be liberated in the name of feminism and that abortion is …More
Working with mothers who had an abortion I cannot agree and I cannot accuse women alone. Yes, they are a part of it, but at a time of severe stress where they would need our support they are for the most part left alone. I find in most cases politics behind this disaster. The main political argument behind it is the lie that women need to be liberated in the name of feminism and that abortion is the key to it. Most women are left alone before and after the abortion!