
Pagan Nuns: Indio Who Wants to Be a Christian Must Avoid Francis Church

The Missionaries of Mary Immaculate and Saint Cathrine of Siena (“Lauritas”), a congregation of sisters founded in Colombia and active in the Amazon basin present on their webpage a section about “Indigenous Pastoral.”

It uses “indigenous” as a synonym for “pagan” stressing that the [Catholic] natives “have their own religion” and “their own theology” and that their “spiritual world is very rich.”

This world, the text continues, provides the natives with “the necessary links" “with the gods” which ensures a “balance between good and evil.”

Amazon paganism is compared with Holy Writ, “As we have an Old Testament, so the indigenous peoples have their history and [pagan] religion.”

The reader is told that “the land is the Bible of the Indios.” Thus, the natives “feel” God’s presence “in nature and on earth.”

In other words: Indios wanting to live a Christian life have no other option than joining the Pentecostals as the Francis Church is lost in pagan delusions.

Or say that Bergoglio is not the Pope, and be catholic.