
First Married Indio "Priest" Serves Paganism Made In Italy

Reuters wishes that Shainkiam Yampik Wananch, 48, a married Achuar Indio with ten children will become the first “married priest” of the Francis Church.

The Reuters article appeared on ReligionDigital.org (September 25). Wananch is a deacon in the Vicariate of Yurimaguas, Peru, a tourist city with an airport.

In Wijint, his village, he performs a Sunday ceremony which begins at dawn with “rituals of purification with native herbs” and a Pagan bonfire lit from three trunks.

For the "penitential rite," the attendees hold water in their mouth and pour it over their hands. Pre-consecrated hosts are picked up by those present.

The Indios are innocent of this performance which was made up by the Italian Salesian Father Luigi Bolla (+2013).

Yurimaguas Vicariate is lead by Spanish-born Father Jesús María Aristín, who was recently imported from Italy. He opposes celibacy and will participate at the Amazon Synod.

During Francis’ 2018 Peru trip, Aristín introduced him to five married deacons, among them Wananch. Francis encouraged him to attack celibacy, “Make bold [= heretical] proposals for the Synod."

The Lauritas Sisters who run a school in Wijint support abolishing celibacy. Reuters quotes Sister Maruja Escalante who also thinks that “it is very important that a woman can be a priestess and carry out all the functions."

Picture: Luigi Bolla, © Salesianos.pe, #newsKuslvsjtmq

Gesù è con noi
Paganism disguised as Catholicism is apostasy.
That man is not Amerindian. Amerindians can't grow beards and have dark skin. This man is at least three quarters, if not fully, European. I enclosed a pic of an actual Ashuar indio.
Don Reto Nay
The man is Father Luigi Bolla = 100% Italian.
Fake or Truth?