
Intelligent Cardinal: Catholics Are Idiots

Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich called Benedict XVI on KtoTv.com (January 9) an "intelligent man" who was "conservative" BUT "also open."

According to Hollerich "hard conservatives in general lack intelligence” [much like hard Modernists of the type of Hollerich].

Hollerich, a Jesuit, allegedly “doesn’t know” about the sex affairs of his confrère Rupnic, and didn't followed the press because "I do not have time for that." He also “doesn’t know” if the Church [= the Jesuits] wanted to hide Rupnik’s misdeeds.

Francis' "synodal church" that centralises, dictates and persecutes Catholics consists, according to Hollerich, in “listening."

Hollerich choses to disregard the schismatic nature of the German Synod, and protests that he “never speaks of schism.” But then, he does it anyway, claiming “that those who speak of schism would like to see it for ecclesial political reasons.”

It's revealing that he has no interests in criticising those who actually work on bring about the schism - since he is one of them.

Picture: Jean-Claude Hollerich © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsMiairzelha

Credo .
Pray for the conversion of poor sinners; Pray for the conversion of Pope Francis, through the intercession of 'The Servant of God', Sr. Lucia of Fatima. > 🙏 🙏 🙏
Bonnie Louise
Pillar Catholic needs to do an expose on Hollerich, using the same data they used to submarine USCCB General Secretary Burrill.
For those who are unfamiliar (Credo) here goes: Pillar Investigates: USCCB gen sec Burrill resigns after sexual misconduct allegations
Hugh N. Cry
I may not be intelligent to this Cardinal, but I’m not dumb. I know gaslighting and marginalization when I hear it.
Credo .
More slander Mr. Yosh??? Unless you have proof that this Cardinal is 'gay', please be careful you don't end up with a lawsuit on your hands!!! > 🙏 🙏 🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
大きなお世話です!! Read about this clown before you accuse me of anything. Sorry, but I don't defend heretics, like Hollerich (who supports blessings for homo "couples"), and Francis and his heretical "Synodal Church". Francis is exactly what the late,great Cardinal Pell said he was/is.....and Hollerich is just like him or worse. He supports the Germans.
Bonnie Louise
I thought I told you to keep your admonishments to yourself. Stop harassing those who disagree with you. Bring your lawsuit, buster. No one is scared of you, no one respects you, and we wish you would disappear. Former or current Jesuit, "Mr." C?
Bonnie Louise
Or is it Sister C?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He's a Jesuit and he's probably gay. Which would make him the idiot, not us.
Dr Bobus
He's a Jesuit who, like Bergoglio, wants to share the strategy used by the SJs to destroy their Religious Institute with the entire Church.
What generosity!More
He's a Jesuit who, like Bergoglio, wants to share the strategy used by the SJs to destroy their Religious Institute with the entire Church.

What generosity!
P. O'B
Dis hard conservativ here ain't very intellijunt, and I ain'y all dat open either. But what can youz do?
Cardinal Hollerich would have difficulties with me. A traditionalist who got into Oxford aged 16....
John Fritz Logan
I looked this up online. Apparently Hollerich was open in his disagreements with Benedict and how he is closer to Francis.
He denied Francis would be unhealthy and apparently hoped he would continue to dismantle the hierarchy.
Hopefully the repeated claims that Francis would be well and continue to reign long are over compensation.
Also, the fact that he and the German bishops seem to openly …More
I looked this up online. Apparently Hollerich was open in his disagreements with Benedict and how he is closer to Francis.

He denied Francis would be unhealthy and apparently hoped he would continue to dismantle the hierarchy.

Hopefully the repeated claims that Francis would be well and continue to reign long are over compensation.

Also, the fact that he and the German bishops seem to openly radicalise further so soon after the deaths of Benedict XVI and Pell might undercut them as well and aid the demos.