Bishop Huonder Has Died

The former bishop of Chur, Switzerland, Vitus Huonder, died on Easter Wednesday. The news was published by and is not yet online on the website of his former diocese.

Huonder made international headlines when he joined the Priestly Society of Pius X after retiring from the diocese.

After a month of feeling unwell, his skin turned yellow and he was admitted to hospital on 19 March 2024, where he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

He spent his last years in the boarding school of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X in Wangs, Saint Gall, Switzerland, and publicly supported its positions.

He will be buried on 17 April in Ecône, Valais, Switzerland, in the same crypt as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
God can neither deceive nor be deceived. Judging those involved of malicious intent without concrete shows bad will. On my part I prefer to hold onto the Faith prior to Vatican II.
Sean Johnson
Huonder explaining that Francis sent him on a mission to the SSPX to facilitate the latters’ incorporation into the conciliar church isn’t concrete evidence?
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
It would be nice to see the actual document.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
This does not seem to be an appointment but an approval to retire with the SSPX. This approval could have been given if Bishop Huonder wanted to retire in a Buddhist Monastery since all religions are acceptable as per Vatican II and the Assisi affair.
One more comment from Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Sean Johnson
Nope, it was an appointment:
“ he noted that he joined the SSPX as the request of Rome/Pope Francis [January 2015]. "... he [Bp. Huonder] frankly admits: «I fulfilled this mandate [of Holy See], and I'm still filling it out.» This is clear: Mgr Huonder works, even today, the integration of the Brotherhood into the Conciliary Church..." [taken from here].More
Nope, it was an appointment:

“ he noted that he joined the SSPX as the request of Rome/Pope Francis [January 2015]. "... he [Bp. Huonder] frankly admits: «I fulfilled this mandate [of Holy See], and I'm still filling it out.» This is clear: Mgr Huonder works, even today, the integration of the Brotherhood into the Conciliary Church..." [taken from here].
Sean Johnson
…and this despite the whopper told in the joint Pagliarani-Hounder communique that Hounder’s “one sole purpose” was to retire in silence and prayer.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
If there is a lack of transparency on the part of the SSPX, Bishop Huonder, Rome or anyone else then there is an obvious lack of commitment to their own salvation and prefer to promote a hidden agenda. This may fool the unsuspecting and trusting. Everything that came with Vatican II is suspect and therefore is best avoided.
Sean Johnson
Unfortunately, almost everyone in the SSPX pews fits your description of unsuspecting and trusting. When revelation of the secret GREC meetings of 1997-2000 were revealed in 2012 (at which Menzingen was secretly negotiating for a merely practical accord, because it didn’t want to be seen contradicting Lefebvre’s post-1988 position of “no accord until Rome converts” by its “faithful”), nobody …More
Unfortunately, almost everyone in the SSPX pews fits your description of unsuspecting and trusting. When revelation of the secret GREC meetings of 1997-2000 were revealed in 2012 (at which Menzingen was secretly negotiating for a merely practical accord, because it didn’t want to be seen contradicting Lefebvre’s post-1988 position of “no accord until Rome converts” by its “faithful”), nobody batted an eye. Today, they can’t even bring themselves to say COVID shots are illicit, or Hounder holy oils are doubtfully valid. Like the communist citizens of Orwell’s 1984, they believe whatever they’re told to believe, even when it contradicts what they were previously told to believe (and people like me who point out the emperor’s new clothes are told were disobedient rebels). What do you call it when the real rebels accuse the true faithful of rebellion? Projection. But they all buy it, to assuage their own consciences. They love big brother.
Naomi Arai
I'm glad he was able to go with the SSPX. <3
Naomi Arai
@Slave of the Immaculata Apparently you like condescending to everyone, like many of your fellow SSPX-MC peers. I don't care about what Bishop Fellay or Bishop Williamson, or the TOOTH FAIRY of all things did or did not do. I care about the particular disrespect you give to a man just deceased. It's un-Catholic. Have a bit of charity.
I think it's fine and dandy that they allowed him to stay with …More
@Slave of the Immaculata Apparently you like condescending to everyone, like many of your fellow SSPX-MC peers. I don't care about what Bishop Fellay or Bishop Williamson, or the TOOTH FAIRY of all things did or did not do. I care about the particular disrespect you give to a man just deceased. It's un-Catholic. Have a bit of charity.

I think it's fine and dandy that they allowed him to stay with the SSPX. Whether Francis sent him there or not, he still admitted that he enjoyed being with them. Truly the attempt to "bring them to the conciliar side" gave the SSPX an ability to bring him to the light of the truth on the tradition side. I understand the snark side of traditionalists and the doom and gloom. I hope his opinion was changed by his stay. I have hope that he rose up like a St. Paul and did not subvert like a Benedict Arnold.
Tony Smith
He had the integrity to return to the ancient faith and expose the conciliar Church for the fraud that it is. God bless and reward him. May he be an example to many other clergy in our times !
Sean Johnson
Revisionist history: By his own words, Francis sent him to bring the SSPX into the conciliar church, and very obviously, the SSPX was very happy to have him for that purpose. Nowhere in Hounder’s video series does he condemn Vatican II, but only its abuses, and he foists the hermeneutic of continuity in an attempt to save it. Where real trads like +Lazo and +Vigano condemn it, Hounder defends it.…More
Revisionist history: By his own words, Francis sent him to bring the SSPX into the conciliar church, and very obviously, the SSPX was very happy to have him for that purpose. Nowhere in Hounder’s video series does he condemn Vatican II, but only its abuses, and he foists the hermeneutic of continuity in an attempt to save it. Where real trads like +Lazo and +Vigano condemn it, Hounder defends it. But the sentimental and superficial spinsters will forget all that, and pretend Hounder was traditional, same as with BXVI.
Sean Johnson
Burying Hounder at Econe is an insult to Lefebvre, and very symbolic of the new direction which has reigned in the SSPX since the death of Lefebvre.
All Saints
Pray for us.
Eternal rest grant unto him oh, Lord…
Sean Johnson
I hope he is in heaven.
He never joined the SSPX, but by his own admission, was sent there by Francis to continue bringing it into the conciliar church.
Some have noticed the interesting timing (ie., he was hospitalized only 8-10 days before he was to have consecrated holy oils at the Chrism Mass for use in the SSPX, which caused such a tumult last year because of questions surrounding the validity …More
I hope he is in heaven.

He never joined the SSPX, but by his own admission, was sent there by Francis to continue bringing it into the conciliar church.

Some have noticed the interesting timing (ie., he was hospitalized only 8-10 days before he was to have consecrated holy oils at the Chrism Mass for use in the SSPX, which caused such a tumult last year because of questions surrounding the validity of his new rite episcopal consecration; a move which caused some SSPX priests to instead seek certainly valid holy oils from +Faure of the Resistance).

Strange that he will be buried at Econe. Apparently Rome wants to keep his conciliarizing influence on-site.

May he rest in peace.
Windmill Lane
How old was the good bishop? May he rest in peace. How lovely to die in the octave of Easter.
John A Cassani
Just shy of 82. RIP.
Eternal rest grant unto bishop Huonder O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. 🙏
Requiescat in Pace
Sean Johnson