Revolutionary: Study About Covid-19 in the Church Russian-born biologist Sergey Budaev of Bergen University, Norway, reviewed countless studies on covid spread in churches and at liturgies. His article …More
Revolutionary: Study About Covid-19 in the Church

Russian-born biologist Sergey Budaev of Bergen University, Norway, reviewed countless studies on covid spread in churches and at liturgies. His article appeared in the Journal of Religion and Health on 24 May. Budaev largely follows the mainstream, talking of a pandemic, against which masks, government coercion, vaccination, masks in church, cordoned-off church pews and no singing help.

Many Novus Ordo Features Are Dangerous

Budaev also comes to conclusions which question many measures implemented in the church. For example: Because of sanitary distancing, it is advisable to avoid concelebration. The kiss of peace should be omitted. Lay people should not distribute communion as they have less practice in doing so. In chapels, Budaev advises celebrating towards the Lord so that the priest is less exposed to the aerosols of the faithful. Budaev finds plastic gloves unnecessary. Because of the consecrated host alone, the priest practises normal hand hygiene and hardly touches any objects contaminated with Covid during Mass.

The Old Mass is Best

The analysis specifically mentions that the Old Mass is safer than the Novus Ordo. It has less verbal participation, no concelebration, no meal table, no lay communion ministers and there is kneeling communion on the tongue.

This Illustration Is an Eye Opener

Another important insight: Communion in the hand is more dangerous than communion on the tongue. Receiving communion kneeling is best, Budaev says, because the distance between priest and communicant is greater and neither breathes on the other. In addition, the priest administers communion to a kneeling believer from above and thus more accurately. Communion takes only a few seconds, which further minimises the risk. When receiving communion, the mouth is opened and breathing stops briefly, which in turn makes transmission less likely. The communicant is unlikely to cough or sneeze on the priest in this time.
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Wow! God works in strange ways! What a wonderful, fabulous study!
Sadly, facts have long since been abandoned, both by Mr. Budaev and modern government policy shapers. They aren't interested in minutae like "the distance between priest and communicant is greater" The distance between cashier and shopper at an "essential service" like liquor store is essentially nil. This is, was, and always shall be about ending Christian, especially Catholic, worship.
The media …More
Sadly, facts have long since been abandoned, both by Mr. Budaev and modern government policy shapers. They aren't interested in minutae like "the distance between priest and communicant is greater" The distance between cashier and shopper at an "essential service" like liquor store is essentially nil. This is, was, and always shall be about ending Christian, especially Catholic, worship.

The media and the government took "a vow of silence" when it came to enforcing Covid regulations on non-Christian religions. Simply put, no matter what contrived conclusions Mr. Budaev came to, his article is worthless because governments don't want to restore one kind of Mass or any Mass at all.

The only thing that will change such policies is a hard-won victory for The Church in the courts.