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Eucharistic Miracle in Ireland?

Father Philip Kemmy, a parish priest in Raphoe Diocese, Ireland, had just finished handing out Communion while a communion helper was still doing so. Then, a strange thing happened, he said in a July …More
Father Philip Kemmy, a parish priest in Raphoe Diocese, Ireland, had just finished handing out Communion while a communion helper was still doing so.
Then, a strange thing happened, he said in a July 13 video posted online. He went to the tabernacle and emptied the remaining hosts into a larger ciborium.
As he was placing it in the tabernacle, he felt something like a flash, as if something had fallen in front of his face.
He genuflected, closed the tabernacle, and took the empty ciborium. He was surprised to see that it contained a host although he was convinced that he had emptied it. He placed this host in the tabernacle.
Later that day, a lady he knew well called him, and asked if he had not noticed anything strange at the tabernacle that day.
Kemmy admitted that he had the impression that a host had fallen from the sky into the ciborium, “Maybe I'm nuts”, he said.
“No, you’re not”, the lady insisted and told him another story. While Kemmy was at the tabernacle, a stranger took …More
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Revolutionary: Study About Covid-19 in the Church Russian-born biologist Sergey Budaev of Bergen University, Norway, reviewed countless studies on covid spread in churches and at liturgies. His article …More
Revolutionary: Study About Covid-19 in the Church
Russian-born biologist Sergey Budaev of Bergen University, Norway, reviewed countless studies on covid spread in churches and at liturgies. His article appeared in the Journal of Religion and Health on 24 May. Budaev largely follows the mainstream, talking of a pandemic, against which masks, government coercion, vaccination, masks in church, cordoned-off church pews and no singing help.
Many Novus Ordo Features Are Dangerous
Budaev also comes to conclusions which question many measures implemented in the church. For example: Because of sanitary distancing, it is advisable to avoid concelebration. The kiss of peace should be omitted. Lay people should not distribute communion as they have less practice in doing so. In chapels, Budaev advises celebrating towards the Lord so that the priest is less exposed to the aerosols of the faithful. Budaev finds plastic gloves unnecessary. Because of the consecrated host alone, the priest practises …More
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Biden's Chaplain Has Spoken: Easter Is About "Vaccination"

Francis delivered his Urbi et Orbi Easter message on Easter Sunday to a small group of faithful. Having nothing better to say, he urged politicians to ensure universal access to Covid vaccines. He …More
Francis delivered his Urbi et Orbi Easter message on Easter Sunday to a small group of faithful. Having nothing better to say, he urged politicians to ensure universal access to Covid vaccines.
He called these vaccines “an essential tool” in the fight against the pandemic. US President Joe Biden reiterated Francis’ message in his own Easter message, “We share the sentiments of Pope Francis,” he said.
Biden added, “Getting vaccinated is a moral obligation; one that can save your life and the life of others” (video below). The same Biden who spoke about a "moral obligation" is an unscrupulous promoter of abortion.
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Governments enforcing operation COVID violate the Nuremberg Code. Authorities implementing operation false flag COVID (Certficate Of Vaccination Identification Document) violate, (by indirectly and …More
Governments enforcing operation COVID violate the Nuremberg Code.
Authorities implementing operation false flag COVID (Certficate Of Vaccination Identification Document) violate, (by indirectly and directly enforcing vaccines without adequate scientific testing and protection), human rights and natural law codified in codes of international law(Nuremberg Code formulated after Nazi war crimes), Constitutions and other national acts of law.
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Francis' Ambiguities Follow “A Plan”

Pope Francis uses ambiguity to achieve his goals, Father John Hunwicke told (video below), "It is as if this is a deliberate plan." Hunwicke is a former Anglican. He was the Head of Theology …More
Pope Francis uses ambiguity to achieve his goals, Father John Hunwicke told (video below), "It is as if this is a deliberate plan."
Hunwicke is a former Anglican. He was the Head of Theology at Lancing College, England, and a Senior Research Fellow at Pusey House in Oxford.
The situation in the Church reminds Hunwicke of the English Anglicans: "When they ask for dialogue what they are really asking for is: They want us to listen to them and then to agree with them."
Hunwicke explains that Francis calls for "parrhesia," for dialogue, but does not appreciate when it happens.
As an example, he mentions the recent consistory with cardinals during which Francis approved Cardinal Newman's (+ 1890) canonization. But the meeting lasted for only thirty minutes.
For Hunwicke this is not the behavior of somebody who really believes in parrhesia, rather the action of a man "anxious to push through an agenda without allowing the sort of discussion that ought to happen before."