This photo shows Nadine, a humanoid robot that replaces humans. Her job is to be a social worker. Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, stated during the recent World Government …More
This photo shows Nadine,
a humanoid robot that replaces humans.
Her job is to be a social worker.

laus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, stated during the recent World Government Summit in Dubai:

'The future is already here. It’s coming like a tsunami! This Fourth Industrial Revolution will not only change everything we do, but it will have an impact on who we are.'

Major developments are underway to transplant the human personality into robotic carriers, to give man artificial immortality. The ultimate dream of the elites: to become immortal.

Already robots are replacing nurses, social workers, psychological assistants, doctors, cashiers, cooks, law enforcement, etc., in several areas of the world. The first computerchips are already being implanted into humans. The blending of man with machine is a reality, while AI is taking the world by storm, removing millions of human jobs as we speak.

This is not just a film.
This is reality.

Did you know there is an official agenda to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? This agenda is heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum. They aim to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, where people are a mix of man and machine. They also state that our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI, in order to combat climate change. Is that the world you want for yourself and your children?

Ending humanity
to 'save the planet'

any of us have seen the popular science fiction movies about robots taking over the world and eradicating humanity. But little do we know that this is exactly what is being prepared by the global leaders. They even claim that this is the only way to save the Earth from total collapse. Without exiting the era of mankind and entering into the era of NEO-HUMANITY, the world is doomed, they say. One of their arguments is that humans are the cause of climate change, and must therefore be replaced with artificial alternatives to 'save the planet'.

This worldwide reformation is called 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' and is intended to completely digitize every aspect of life on Earth.

Our upcoming film “THE END OF HUMANITY” reveals this global agenda, which is being powerfully pushed with massive support from the most powerful organizations worldwide.

The horrifying thing is that specifically those sensitive jobs where people need a human touch, true understanding and emotional support are being replaced with robots. Can you imagine being taken care of by a robot in the hospital or nursing home? That's exactly what is happening. Removing the human experience, which is so precious, beautiful and deep, and replacing it with unfeeling robotic alternatives.

Inserting thoughts and emotions into everyone

t the same time, technologies are being installed in every nation of the world that will continually record all the thoughts, emotions and dreams of everyone. These technologies even have the ability to insert thoughts and emotions into the population. This is publicly stated by the former president of Chile, Sebastian Pinera, and by the Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, Ida Auken, former minister of the environment of Denmark.

In Europe the public 'School TV' tells kids how 'cool' it is to have a chip in your brain.

Google is organizing symposia declaring how humans will become one with computers, while the CEO of Nokia says that in a few years everyone will have their smartphones inside their body. This means that every detail of our lives can be constantly monitored. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum hosts conferences about 'brain transparency', where they discuss how all our most intimate, personal data will be stored in the cloud and controlled by Big Tech.

All this falls in line with the announcement of the WEF that by 2030, no one will have any privacy. Klaus Schwab says we will have to get used to a society of "full transparency", where everything we think, feel and dream is monitored.

The film 'THE END OF HUMANITY' is a critical warning to mankind, intended to prevent this nefarious plan. The film will be released on April 20th in many languages
Spiralling out of control drunk on our own fantasies off to mars we go Elon and the crowd. Science replace God so they think
Can it clean my house?
English Catholic
@tbswv Yes, I'm sure it could. While spying on every aspect of your family life. BTW you will have to ask its 'preferred pronoun' 😊
All Saints
Let’s see if it melts.
The Wandering Recluse
Blade Runner.