
German Lent: Women “Priests” Distributes Ashes

Female pastoral workers who are paid by the diocese distributed Ashes on Ash Wednesday in Achertal, Freiburg Archdiocese, Germany, while being disguised as priests.

Freiburg Archdiocese even published pictures of them on Facebook.com (February 21). They were dressed in white "albs" and violet "stoles." After criticism the post was deleted.

The same women played priestesses in 2020, using the same disguise. These pictures are still available (like this article's photo).

Picture: © Erzdiözese Freiburg, #newsMqytnisxxy

Organized charity is about as attractive as organized cheerfulness.
Another fine example of the German "Synodal Path" in action. Inevitable progression from women distributing Communion.
“It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves. And there came to Him the blind and the lame in the temple: and He healed them.” Matthew 21:13-14
Same lady, other picture