Wilma Lopez
What do you think about it?

Why I am now a Christian

In 2002, I discovered a 1927 lecture by Bertrand Russell entitled “Why I am Not a Christian”. It did not cross my mind, as I read it, that one day, nearly a century after he …
Mateusz Człowiek Nazwisko-nieistotne
In the 6th chapter of Genesis there are information about the mixing of beings from heaven with human women, resulted with hybrids being born. The word used in translations of the Old Testament from Hebrew (giants/giants) is an incorrect translation of the word nephilim meaning fallen, and comes from the word naphal - to fall. They are visually no different from normal people. They were both, before …More
In the 6th chapter of Genesis there are information about the mixing of beings from heaven with human women, resulted with hybrids being born. The word used in translations of the Old Testament from Hebrew (giants/giants) is an incorrect translation of the word nephilim meaning fallen, and comes from the word naphal - to fall. They are visually no different from normal people. They were both, before and after the flood. You just need to read the Holy Bible in its entirety to understand... They survived because Japhet's wife was one of them. That's why Ezekiel prophesy against all of Japhets descendants. Out of fear of interbreeding with them, Abraham married his own sister, and virtually all of the 12 tribes of Israel are descended from common ancestors... with the exception of the offspring of Bilhah and Zylpha of unknown origin... This is the history of the world that Jesus Christ spoke about in the parable of the 'wheat and darnel' in the field. THE FIELD IS THE WORLD, THE WHEAT IS THE SONS OF THE KINGDOM, DARNEL IS THE SONS OF THE EVIL ONE, THE HARVEST IS THE END OF AN ERA. LET THEM GROW TOGETHER UNTIL THE HARVEST. Jesus Christ says you will know them by their fruits...the fruit of their work is your sin. This means that they look just like normal people and encourage sin... He also says that they are ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing... Read the Holy Bible... you can start with the Gospel of Matthew, which has a lot on this topic in the parables in chapter 13.
It seems that this foreign gene is dominant, and from the union of the 'son of man', that is normal people, with a 'hybrid', further 'hybrids' are born...
They are liers, and they will never admit it, never tell the truth.
It is easy to predict that only strict population control by monitoring the genealogical line can exclude mixing with them... as long as the Israelites followed the rule of not mixing with foreign peoples, they were safe, but already in the times of Jesus Christ this problem of hybrids appeared in Israel. Hence Jesus Christ said about the Pharisees: 'every plant that the heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up'. And this is a bull's eye...
But he said to the 'sons of men' that every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven... a word against the 'son of man' will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven...

They are conquering the world using a silent method, because this is the only way that guarantees them victory as long as victims don't know, according to the art of war SUN-TZE.

Don't be afraid of them! Trust in heaveny Father and ask Almighty God for forgiveness of your sins. Keep the ten commandments from the Holy Scriptures. SHARE Matthews GOSPEL.
Ivan Tomas
Take her in your prayers. She sounds more like protestant for now. There is still a way she must go until she recognize and accept the one and only true Faith, - Catholicism.
John A Cassani
She definitely seems to be a sincere seeker of the truth. I wish that the Church would get back to the “Old Evangelization,” which actually sought to bring converts to Christ, rather than just trying to reconcile Christianity with Secularism. She would make a wonderful Catholic, I think.