Mood. And yours?
Credo .
Beautiful! 😍
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I was surprised to read that squirrels can actually make good pets, if raised from newborns. They can use a litter box, and have a varied diet. They like to cuddle with their owners, like a cat, and they can live about 10-12 years. But of course, never take one from the wild and try to keep it as a pet!
They do sell them in some States as pets in pet shops (illegal in others).!!
Alejandrina Reyes
Ode to Freedom
This is pure gold. The Ode is at the beginning of the first video , the audience listens to it standing up. If you value your Freedom the please share share share.
Ode to Freedom

This is pure gold. The Ode is at the beginning of the first video , the audience listens to it standing up. If you value your Freedom the please share share share.
