La profezia di Suor Lucia di Fatima sull'attacco di satana alla famiglia. Ecco la vera risposta!Altro
La profezia di Suor Lucia di Fatima sull'attacco di satana alla famiglia.
Ecco la vera risposta!
The Austrian broadcasting corporation made a great compliment to the attendees of the congress:
3000 mobilized and attracted at least 20-30.000 demonstrators as well as the "organized left wing European Journaille" who fired over the last weeks against the organizers.
In reverse it means:
The whole idea of this congress is true. If not it would disappear without any ping or …Altro

The Austrian broadcasting corporation made a great compliment to the attendees of the congress:
3000 mobilized and attracted at least 20-30.000 demonstrators as well as the "organized left wing European Journaille" who fired over the last weeks against the organizers.
In reverse it means:
The whole idea of this congress is true. If not it would disappear without any ping or pixel (it remembers me the speech in the sanhedrin: if from here it will disappear, if from heaven, no human power would be able to withhold it).
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Congresso di Verona
La Verità vi farà liberi
Infatti il centro studi fondato da Caffarra su ordine di San Giovanni Paolo II è stato immediatamente eliminato da Satana attraverso il suo Vicario e rifondato riempiendolo di atei, divorzisti, abortisti, eutanasisti, gay friendly, etc.