Anyone who opposes children being exposed to naked adult men or explicit sexual displays should publicly condemn the “pride” parade—the organizers, the attendees, those in the media who openly defend small children seeing men wave their genitals about—all of them. We should not be on the defensive when activists and politicians are doing in public what we would arrest them for doing in private. …More
Anyone who opposes children being exposed to naked adult men or explicit sexual displays should publicly condemn the “pride” parade—the organizers, the attendees, those in the media who openly defend small children seeing men wave their genitals about—all of them. We should not be on the defensive when activists and politicians are doing in public what we would arrest them for doing in private.
The next time Trudeau accuses his political opponents of not being appropriately prostrate before the “pride” movement, he should be asked that question: “Mr. Prime Minister, why do you support and patronize events where children are exposed to adult nudity?”

Conservatives need to push back harder against obscene LGBT ‘pride’ parades - LifeSite

Thu Jun 30, 2022 - 7:27 pm EDT (LifeSiteNews) – Every “pride” month, progressive politicians flock to the LGBT …