
Killing Better Than Healing? Vatican Dissolves Another Community For Unclear Reasons

The Vatican has dissolved the Movimento Apostolico, a Charismatic like private association of faithful which was started in Catanzaro, Italy, in 1979.

VaticanNews.va reports that a June 14 decree was signed by the Cardinals Ladaria, Stella and Farrel, the prefects of the Dicasteries for Faith, Clergy and Laity. The group suffered an Apostolic Visitation from October 2020 to April 2021.

The property and money of the association are to be given to charity organisations. The Movimento's founder was Maria Marino who allegedly also claimed to have apparitions. The decree states that these apparitions were “not of supernatural origin."

John Paul II received the movement in 1987 and in 2001. The movement was active among simple faithful and mainly organised catechesis in the local parishes. In 2004, a female Secular Institute was born out of it. It was also present in Switzerland, Ecuador and different African countries.


Nothing in the explanations suggests that suppression was best first option, instead of a fatherly course correction. The brutality against John Paul II-inspired conservative movements is shocking.