
Movimento Apostolico: Put Under An Apostolic Visitator

Catanzaro-Squillace Archbishop Vincenzo Bertolone, Italy, gathered on September 29 the Movimento Apostolico, a private association of the faithful, telling them that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has named retired Oristano Archbishop Ignazio Sanna as their Apostolic Visitator.

The group was founded in 1979 by Maria Marino, and includes private revelations, catechesis, a secular institute, musicals, choirs, dances, guitars, and lots of words.

The Congregation refers to theological, disciplinary, institutional, ecclesiastical and patrimonial problems. The Apostolic Visit will start on October 13.

Seemingly the Congregation made attempts since 2014 to inquire into the group, but Archbishop Bertolone could keep them away until now.

In an October 5 life-streamed Movimento Apostolico Eucharist, the presider warmly recommended Francis recent encyclical Fratelli Tutti.

Picture: Ignazio Sanna, #newsFselkfjbns
