Roll Out of 5 G and the implementation of the NWO - ?influenza? every instance of “influenzaepidemic in our modern era was associated with a radical change in the electrification of the earthMore
Roll Out of 5 G and the implementation of the NWO - ?influenza?
every instance of “influenzaepidemic in our modern era was associated with a radical change in the electrification of the earth immediately before the outbreak".
This is Agenda 2030 masquerading as a terrible pandemic forcing all of us to isolate, closing Churches in preparation for the coming of the AntiChrist, vaccination of the whole world, the bio-chip, and the crashing of the economy.
Novella Nurney
@Ultraviolet, O ye of little faith( in my tech- savviness) . I actually do have a fair amount of information concerning faraday cages. Well as much as I could gather before a.) Immense soul numbing boredom set in or b.) I realized what I was reading was irrelevant, impossible for me to implement or the stack of tech manuals I would need to implement or understand how to, was reaching epic offsite …More
@Ultraviolet, O ye of little faith( in my tech- savviness) . I actually do have a fair amount of information concerning faraday cages. Well as much as I could gather before a.) Immense soul numbing boredom set in or b.) I realized what I was reading was irrelevant, impossible for me to implement or the stack of tech manuals I would need to implement or understand how to, was reaching epic offsite storage proportions.
Anyways , my point(s) rambling as it was, is that it seems to be more than enough proof exists that proximity to 5g towers, lines etcetera can cause mild to very severe health issues ( like living under power transformers)but the overarching issue and one that affects anyone in its gargantuan range is the exploitation of privacy. Huawei is China's eyes and ears into every avail able comrades life. If they are so poor and on the outskirts of tech reach they just get rounded up old skool style. It is a nightmarish scenario.
@Novella Nurney You weren't rambling... You did sound frightened and that distressed me. o.O I've never personally experienced any problems with EMF, but you're entirely correct, there's some freaky physics happening around high voltage sources like transformers and power lines. I keep expecting "anomalies" like in STALKER. :D
Obvious why there's a financial motivation not to study them. :-)
I …More
@Novella Nurney You weren't rambling... You did sound frightened and that distressed me. o.O I've never personally experienced any problems with EMF, but you're entirely correct, there's some freaky physics happening around high voltage sources like transformers and power lines. I keep expecting "anomalies" like in STALKER. :D

Obvious why there's a financial motivation not to study them. :-)

I won't give you a falses sense of comfort and saying such comprehensive spying "can't happen here". That sort of surveillance already happens without the government's involvement, even at the workplace level. The good news is we aren't China. Totalitarian governments, our own included, have never needed "tech" to control the populace. It just makes it easier for them. :/
Novella Nurney
The serious contemplation of whether 5G technology has the capacity to create or control a virus ( where it be man made, from nature , a combination of the two or a perversion of both ) is honestly above my paygrade to contribute any worthwhile discussion to the topic. However, I am quite sure that 5G technology can and will be used in an even more detrimental form. A way that will encompass all of …More
The serious contemplation of whether 5G technology has the capacity to create or control a virus ( where it be man made, from nature , a combination of the two or a perversion of both ) is honestly above my paygrade to contribute any worthwhile discussion to the topic. However, I am quite sure that 5G technology can and will be used in an even more detrimental form. A way that will encompass all of modern society with great ease and will be used in such a way that the poorest and most vulnerable amongst us will be the first to be affected by it's " perceived necessity ". 5G is of course how China can track every movement, every breath, every footstep of its entire population. It is the technology by which any freedoms real, perceived or God given may be instantaneously wiped away in the swipe of a fingerprint, the sound of a voice command, the look of an eye. If it were to be implemented within the crumbling shell of Christendom, the West, Europe , the United States, it would make " 1984" appear to be fairytale.
May God have mercy upon us.
Hi Novella Nurney, yes, not that 5G created a virus, but that symptoms of Electro Magnetic overload are similar to symptoms we see with a virus; in serious cases, hemorrhaging of major organs. Good post!
Hi Ultraviolet - yes, how about exchanging our tinfoil hats for faraday cages!
Novella Nurney
Thank you! You probably wouldn't be surprised at the number of blogs, videos etc. that are titled with " 5G Spreads Virus ", " Informant Reveals Next Step In 5G Covid Conspiracy- Covid-20!". This is just the nonsense I see in feeds. I can't ( nor do I really want to) fathom what other craziness is out there feeding on the fear and angst of others. It really is diabolic.