Gloria TV News on the 10th of October
The news out of Fort Wayne, IN., is most encouraging indeed. Similar things are happening in other parts of the civilised world as well, e.g. St Etheldraeda's Roman Catholic Parish in South London (UK). St. Etheldraeda's always had the Latin language in their Liturgies. However, since Svmmorvm Pontificvm in 2007, they have had regularly scheduled EF Masses on Sundays, wherein the great Catholic …More
The news out of Fort Wayne, IN., is most encouraging indeed. Similar things are happening in other parts of the civilised world as well, e.g. St Etheldraeda's Roman Catholic Parish in South London (UK). St. Etheldraeda's always had the Latin language in their Liturgies. However, since Svmmorvm Pontificvm in 2007, they have had regularly scheduled EF Masses on Sundays, wherein the great Catholic musical culture of the English Church is laid bare for all to enjoy: William Byrd, Thomas Tallis, John Greene, John Tavener, Orlando Gibbons, Henry Purcell, Weelkes, etc. Not to mention the beauty of English Mass vestments (Sarum Rite), e.g. blue & gold copes and chasubles on Solemnities of Our Lady.

I rather think that the culture of the Roman Church is enjoying a renaissance these days. However, in Lands still concidered "missionary" this culture is quite absent, forbidden even. It is for these Sees we must pray hard, e.g. the Oriental Sees, Caribbean Sees, South Pacific and Indonesian Sees, not to mention some South and Meso American Sees.

😇 🤗
holyrope 3
Bishop Aquila's prediction is right on...when we are witnessing a culture of death in the evil of killing the unborn, promoting homosexuality as something normal to our children in the schools...these two things are the biggest and most powerful fight from the other sight who will stop at nothing to try and win this war, and I mean they will stop at nothing!
Great news out of Fort Wayne, Indiana.…More
Bishop Aquila's prediction is right on...when we are witnessing a culture of death in the evil of killing the unborn, promoting homosexuality as something normal to our children in the schools...these two things are the biggest and most powerful fight from the other sight who will stop at nothing to try and win this war, and I mean they will stop at nothing!

Great news out of Fort Wayne, Indiana.....may more bishops follow suit if they wish to save souls! 🙏

Great job Doina...thanks for the news! 🤗
Holy Cannoli
Imagine for a moment the impact that would have resulted if Catholic bishops, theologians and others within the Catholic Church had been preaching against the vice of homosexuality for the last 40-50 years instead of protecting those in their own ranks who were practicing homosexuals.
We would still be faced with some people demanding "the right" to practice that sin but the effort to silence those …More
Imagine for a moment the impact that would have resulted if Catholic bishops, theologians and others within the Catholic Church had been preaching against the vice of homosexuality for the last 40-50 years instead of protecting those in their own ranks who were practicing homosexuals.

We would still be faced with some people demanding "the right" to practice that sin but the effort to silence those who recognized the biblical depravity of the activity would not triumph as is happening today.

Imagine how, if the Catholic Church had not been covering up for homosexual behavior (that was known but swept under the rug) instead had preached against it Sunday after Sunday (you might also include abortion as well).

Imagine if Catholics, especially in America, were taught that their own leaders identified homosexuality as the sin detested by God and these same leaders spoke against it unambiguously and with courage.

Just imagine where we might be today instead of fighting tooth and nail to preserve God's institution of marriage, we would be fighting to strengthen marriages and families.

But, apart from isolated cases, non of that happened. There was no resolve among the hierarchy in the Church and so we have what we have and it is what it is. Bishop Aquila's fear will be realized thanks to the failures known as the American bishops and their cowardice that has occurred over the past 4 decades.

“We could see the possibility of it within the United States where we are no longer free to preach the truth from the pulpit or to present Catholic teaching,” Bishop Samuel J. Aquila of Fargo, North Dakota, told CNA on a visit to Rome October 7.


Good morning and thanks for the news, Doina.

Happy Columbus Day, from America.
