
No Masses: Saint Peter’s Is Now a Platform for Events

Now that Francis has prohibited to preside Eucharists in Saint Peter’s, the former church has degenerated into a platform for events, writes SilereNonPossum.it (February 9).

Private events, VIPs with private tours and so on have increased “out of all proportion.”

Prayer is “the last thing” that Francis and his archpriest, Cardinal Gambetti, have in mind. They prefer lunches and dinners with managers.

Picture: Mauro Gambetti, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsSiqystehzu

Salvatore Bastatti
Kenjiro-- your comment buys into the notion that the Catholic Church still exists.
It does not. What exists in its place is a pile of filth awaiting a cleansing that can restore the truths of Christ and Saint Paul-- along with the Epistles of Peter, John, and James. Some seem to argue that the approaching cleansing will be the purge of the final days. I am too unlearned to comment fruitfully on …More
Kenjiro-- your comment buys into the notion that the Catholic Church still exists.

It does not. What exists in its place is a pile of filth awaiting a cleansing that can restore the truths of Christ and Saint Paul-- along with the Epistles of Peter, John, and James. Some seem to argue that the approaching cleansing will be the purge of the final days. I am too unlearned to comment fruitfully on that. But I am not that unlearned to realize that the Church Christ founded will have no legitimacy in any future conclave till the filth purge takes place.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Salvatore Bastatti - Thank you very much. I always learn alot from your posts and appreciate your imput. I'm only 28 ( as of last November), and maybe it seems odd for someone my age to care so much about the traditions of the Church. I never got them growing up. Neither did my Mom and Dad, both born in 1970. But my grandparents did. My grandmothers on both sides of my family showed my Missals, …More
@Salvatore Bastatti - Thank you very much. I always learn alot from your posts and appreciate your imput. I'm only 28 ( as of last November), and maybe it seems odd for someone my age to care so much about the traditions of the Church. I never got them growing up. Neither did my Mom and Dad, both born in 1970. But my grandparents did. My grandmothers on both sides of my family showed my Missals, prayerbooks, prayer cards, etc. they had growing up in Japan (but they spent their young adult years in USA). Even though the Missals are in Latin one side, and Japanese the other, I can read both, and realized from these beautiful prayers all that I missed. While my grandparents had great Popes like Pius XI and Pius XII when they were born and growing up, I had JPII, and all I can remember that he did is travel. My Grandmom calls him "the perpetual tourist".
I don't believe the purge of the "final days". Instead, I think they might do what the Cardinals did in the Middle Ages afew times.....they couldn't find a good candidate for Pope among themselves, to they picked a man who was a very good Bishop who was not a Cardinal yet, or a few times they picked a monk who was not a Caridnal....they quickly consecrated him a Bishop, and then crowned as Pope.
I think the next conclave will take more than 3 days of voting, but in the end, we will be surprised by a CATHOLIC pope, very much opposite to what Bergoglio is.

(I also think maybe...just maybe.... Pope francis own "Traditiones Custodes" is starting to backfire really badly on him and a rising tide of objection to his going after tradition, because now Cardinal Muller and others are trying to blame it all on Archbishop Roche, and a group of liturgists from San Anselmo Benedictine Abbey in Rome (which is fmaous for radical liberal liturgists), who they say influenced Pope Francis to try supressing the Roman Rite. Always it seems when they start pointing fingers at people, they know they are in a bad situation and are trying to cover themselves and lay blame on others. If they were so confident about supressing the Roman Rite, they would'nt be tring to fix blame for it on anyone.
@Salvatore Bastatti "It [the Catholic Church] does not [still exist]."
That's the fundamental basis of Protestantism. Most Protestants feel that he universal Church, founded by Christ and the Apostles, died off during Constantine's rule, which you may not agree with. But you seem to share precisely the same conclusion.More
@Salvatore Bastatti "It [the Catholic Church] does not [still exist]."

That's the fundamental basis of Protestantism. Most Protestants feel that he universal Church, founded by Christ and the Apostles, died off during Constantine's rule, which you may not agree with. But you seem to share precisely the same conclusion.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Cardinal Gambetti is one of the worst of the Bergoglian cardinals. I guess in his next consistory to create new Cardinals ( but I hope he's not around to have one), Francis will pick some homeless migrants off the street, a few homosexuals, one or two priests accused of being pedophiles, and maybe a drag queen to give a "story hor" or two during the festivities.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are 100% right!! Kenjiro!!!! and I remember...Cardinal Gambetti had very, very rude actions to Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI gone to heaven....carrying to Holy Father's Body in to the Saint Peter Basilica...I saw his everything...he dose not have respect actions to Benedict XVI....he looks like very annoyed...if, if Eminence Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Sarah …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are 100% right!! Kenjiro!!!! and I remember...Cardinal Gambetti had very, very rude actions to Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI gone to heaven....carrying to Holy Father's Body in to the Saint Peter Basilica...I saw his everything...he dose not have respect actions to Benedict XVI....he looks like very annoyed...if, if Eminence Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Sarah had this ceremony...I am sure!! they totally, totally better than This horrible Bergoglian Cardinal....but sadly they did not have this change...just, just they personally condolence to Benedict XVI.....so terrible.....and Kenjiro...I hope one more tell...I don't saying normally Bergoglio step down, retire...I strongly tell about dethrone!!! I think this time..we need Dethrone to Bergoglio!!! be cause this horrible old man destroying to our orthodox teachings....so not just normally retire, resign!!! Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops are must saying about Bergoglio's Dethrone!!! what do you think??? I know...it's very hard...difficult...we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Dethrone!!!! I told you many times...Bergoglio much staying longer to Papacy...we will get have huge damages...not just us..every Christian Church will have huge damages...Bergoglio destroying to Pope's seat himself....Dethrone!! Dethrone to Bergoglio!!! it's very difficult..hard...if, if we will going to Underground Church...really hope great Martyrs Saints of Japan, Korea...pray for us...I preparing this solution too...be cause many people don't have brave....Bergoglio's time much longer possible....so I preparing it too....anyway..really hope we protect to our Orthodox teachings...many talking sorry....Kenjiro....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...Amen...take care...have a great day..Kenjiro..always I see your comment..very happy..learning a lot..
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Thank you for your post! I learn alot from your comemnts as well. I always post in the morning before I drive off to the school I teach at. I am lucky I suppose, because we live close enough that in good weather I can walk there. Just like last year, out school year is going to be extended until the end of June because of COVID-19, instead of finishing on the first week of June …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Thank you for your post! I learn alot from your comemnts as well. I always post in the morning before I drive off to the school I teach at. I am lucky I suppose, because we live close enough that in good weather I can walk there. Just like last year, out school year is going to be extended until the end of June because of COVID-19, instead of finishing on the first week of June. Despite COVID fading here in the USA alittle bit, we started out school year in September 2 weeks later than usuall.
Pope Francis has done trememdous harm to the Catholic Church that will take most of our lives to recover from. I'm 28, and am hoping to see another 50+ years, but unfortunatly I think that the Chuch will still not be fully recovered from the two disasters of Vatican II, and the reign of Francis even by 2073! The late, great Cardinal Giuseppe Siri (I don't know if you ever heard of him) who was a very orthodox and traditional Cardinal said that he thought it would take 200 years for the Church to recover from the damage caused by Vatican II and all the abuses and scandals coming from it.
John Paul II was Pope nearly 26 years, and did absolutely nothing to restore the Catholic Faith. All he did was travel. My Grandmother says he was a "perpetual tourist".
I think this Cardinal Gambetti has made so many enemies in the Church, that he will be sacked by Bergoglio soon.
My counsin, his name is Akira, is 26, and is an IT computer specialist in a company in Philadelphia. He is going to Rome on his vacation in June. I told him, don't bother wasting money going to a Papal audience with Pope Francis. He's going with a group of friends ( mostly all Catholic too), and he said "Don't worry, we're not."
I think if Bergoglio knew how much he is disliked he'd quit.🤪
Nicolina Clark
You should all follow don Alessandro Minutella “Radio Domina Nostra”on utube he was excommunicated with 7 other priests for questioning the canonic law that invalidates the election of Bergoglio by the Mafia of San Gallo formed by cardinals that forced
Pope Benedict to resign.in hisa resignation document Benedict. XVI retained the Munus Petrini and remained the reigning pope in exile. He stayed …More
You should all follow don Alessandro Minutella “Radio Domina Nostra”on utube he was excommunicated with 7 other priests for questioning the canonic law that invalidates the election of Bergoglio by the Mafia of San Gallo formed by cardinals that forced
Pope Benedict to resign.in hisa resignation document Benedict. XVI retained the Munus Petrini and remained the reigning pope in exile. He stayed within the Vatican walls praying in silence carrying his cross. Don Minutella recites three rosaries daily with the partecipation of the public online in Latin. He has created the website through which his seven priest continue to celebrate mass in Latin. He has established two private locations in Italy where the small remnants of our true catholic faith can meet for daily mass and worship and have confessions. He has thousands of followers and goes around the world to establish local groups and offers support. He calls out Bergoglio publicly on a daily basis that he should leave the throne of Peter because he is a false pope, who installed Pacha Mama in the Vatican in 2019 through the performance of Amazonian pagan rites. We are going to be persecuted and must remain strong and faithful to Immaculate Heart of Mary that will have victory over satan.
paul arten
Have not yet heard anything good or positive since this Card. Gambetti took over as Archpriest of St Peter's