
Largest "Catholic" US Hospital Network Performs Gender Mutilations

CommonSpirit Health, the largest Catholic “health care” network in the US offers sex mutilations, reports LepantoIn.org (June 11).

The network operates more than 1,000 facilities and 140 hospitals in 21 US states. It is sponsored by the Vatican-backed "Catholic" Health Care Federation. CommonSpirit Health commits the following health crimes:

• Female and male genital mutilation
• Poisoning patients with hormones of the opposite sex
• Blocking the puberty in children
• Employee benefits that cover the above
• Distributing contraceptives and abortifacients
• killing unborn children


Shame on them
“You should not impose your will on other”? Thoughout all of human history we have had laws and rules that by definition impose will upon others. The church has countless laws and rules. Should nuns and monks not be obedient to their superiors. Should we not set boundaries and rules for our children?
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori The USA Bishops make no chance to impose their will on what others are doing. Even stronger, you should not impose your will on what others are doing. Rev.22:11-12 But you can withdraw imprimatur, because you don't want to be associated with certain practises. Maybe that can change their minds, because now they must change all their administration, letter heads on correspondence …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori The USA Bishops make no chance to impose their will on what others are doing. Even stronger, you should not impose your will on what others are doing. Rev.22:11-12 But you can withdraw imprimatur, because you don't want to be associated with certain practises. Maybe that can change their minds, because now they must change all their administration, letter heads on correspondence, signs at the doors etc.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The USA Bishops are considering a bill that would outlaw Catholic hospitals from performing this. I hope it succeeds, but I bet it doesn't.
are considering ? Joke ...
Check out the CommonSpirit Health Network site, What's Behind a Name? CommonSpirit Health, and you’ll see they acknowledge “conservative” bishop Salvatore Cordileone gave them the green light to be called a “Catholic” health care network.So much for “conservative” prelates.
So many things called Catholic are not anymore. Ban the Novus Ordo.