
Bergoglio accuses the political prisoners who fought against Communism with crimes of Lesa Humanity …

While in Cuba, Bergoglio refused to visit the political prisoners who opposed the Castro Regime. In …
Hija de Jesucristo
St. Maximilian Kolbe prophesied: “One day the flag of the Immaculate Virgin Mary will flutter over the Kremlin (Russia), but first the red flag will flutter over the Vatican.” In other words, Russia will convert BUT not before communism overtakes the Vatican, the seat of the Pope.
who ever believes communism idioligy ,can not believe in christianity ,they are opposites , you can only believe in one God , and is not the communist god ,Why did Mary at Fatima pleaded for Russia to be consagrated to her Imamaculate Heart ?so Russia would not spread their errors
Católicos Apostólicos
Augusto Padilla(Catapulta): Victor Fernández want to apply the law without mercy to the defenders of Argentina during the 70's but never to the subversives (guerrillas) who tried to overthrow it. The subversives were supported by Cuba with the intent to turn it into a communist tyranny.