English Catholic
@mccallansteve Not necessarily the case. People can do serious research on the same subject and reach different conclusions. It also depends where you do your research. Going to one website (e.g. 'sisterlucytruth') is going to give a very one-sided view. Looking at a variety of source materials may give a wider picture. As for listening to the opinions of so-called 'experts' - hasn't anyone learnt …More
@mccallansteve Not necessarily the case. People can do serious research on the same subject and reach different conclusions. It also depends where you do your research. Going to one website (e.g. 'sisterlucytruth') is going to give a very one-sided view. Looking at a variety of source materials may give a wider picture. As for listening to the opinions of so-called 'experts' - hasn't anyone learnt from the dangers of taking their conclusions as Gospel truth - especially when they are being paid - like those 'experts' who told us to get covid-vaccinated? I researched that matter and decided against vaccination. Others took different advice from 'experts' and got mRNA vaccinated and now wish they hadn't.
There seems to be something odd going on here. If a Fatima Center priest confirms there was a fake Sister Lucia, then that contradicts what was written in their magazine: The Fatima Crusader (from the Fatima Center- Fr Gruner (RIP)'s organisation) devoted a whole issue to the controversy: Fatima Crusader Issue 132, Spring 2024. Unfortunately, it isn't online to read, but I'm sure it can be purchased from The Fatima Center | Promoting the Full Message of Fatima On page 24, it states "(3) We have multiple statements through 1989 from the real Sister Lucia, who continued to say things consistent with what she had said prior to 1960. Given the sequence of events surrounding Archbishop Bertone's interviews with Sister Lucia in 2000 and 2001, there is good reason to believe that the real Sister Lucia was still alive then". Her death was in 2005. I wrote a very long comment about this matter on another thread: New evidence in the case of the replacement of Sr.…
I don't even accept that there was a 'fake' Sister Lucia who was used for occasional purposes. If so, this would have involved the Coimbra Carmelite sisters in deceit and lying. No religious are obliged to sin if requested by a superior.
Anyone who bothers to do some research would reach the conclusion that there absolutely was an imposter Lucy.
I've often wondered when they switched her; I thought it had to do with her saying the consecration wasn't done the way the Blessed Mother had asked.
English Catholic
@giveusthisday That's the point - she wasn't switched. The same Lucia who saw Our Lady is the same Sr Lucia buried in the basilica in Fatima. Get a copy of The Fatima Crusader (see my comment below).
English Catholic
Someone obviously hasn't read the Fatima Crusader (Fatima Center) magazine (Spring 2024 - Issue 132) which seems to confirm the exact opposite, stating on page 24 that there was good reason to believe the real Sr Lucia was alive in 2001 (She died in 2005). Is someone sitting on the fence here?