Ecumenical Dialogue with the Church of Satan?

Ecumenical Dialogue with the Church of Satan? Mr. Hugh Moore, Executive Director of the St. Laphatdis Foundation ( in Chicago announced today at a press conference the …More
Ecumenical Dialogue with the Church of Satan?
Mr. Hugh Moore, Executive Director of the St. Laphatdis Foundation ( in Chicago announced today at a press conference the discovery of a previously unreleased version of Nostra Aetate, the Vatican II document on inter-faith relations. The document outlines efforts by the council to reach some level of ecumenical understanding with the Church of Satan.
In Germany, an ecumenical Cardinal who prefered to go unnamed gave ghostly praise to the new document, calling it "a breakthrough in the Catholic Church's journey toward fully reconciling herself with the many gifts that those who reject Christ bring to our cultural heritage."
NOSTRA AETATE (Part II): Declaration on the relation of the Church to Satan
In this age of ours, when men are are drawing more closely together and the bonds of friendship between different peoples are being strengthened, the Church examines with still greater care the relation which she has …More
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Before some members have a coronary over this story, it's a joke. Although we have seen much come out of the hierarchy in the past several decades that we thought couldn't be real but was.
This "story" was identified as a joke in the very first comment on this thread. There has been no error except for your accusatory attitude. Take your negative attitude elsewhere. Any future post …More
Before some members have a coronary over this story, it's a joke. Although we have seen much come out of the hierarchy in the past several decades that we thought couldn't be real but was.


This "story" was identified as a joke in the very first comment on this thread. There has been no error except for your accusatory attitude. Take your negative attitude elsewhere. Any future post you make on any News-Briefs article will be deleted. But, since you have stated that you will no longer post at, it's a moot point.

Thanks Uncle Joe for making the VII’s CCC ambiguous wording on this topic more clear.
Uncle Joe
841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."330
Through logic, the law of non-contradiction- they both can't be right.
CCC846...all …More
841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."330

Through logic, the law of non-contradiction- they both can't be right.


CCC846...all salvation comes from Christ the head through the Church which is His Body.

Of course, one could say that the phrase “The plan of salvation......include the Muslims” simply refers to that part of the plan of salvation which refers to those who will be damned. That is a part of the plan. The entire plan of salvation must, by inference, mean that some are not saved as well as those who are saved. Some go up; some go down. We don't know who goes where but the ones going downstairs are still part of the overall plan. They would be the negative part of the plan but they are still a part. I suppose a more accurate description would be "the plan of Salvation and Damnation."

Catholic ecumenical dissemblers can say or write and play linguistic games as much as they wish. It would not be the first time that modernists have compromised absolute truth for political considerations.

Personally, I learned all I need to know about Muslims and Islam on September 11, 2001.
Something, I have difficulty in understanding, and at times find troubling.
The new Catechism says that "Islam is in the plan of salvation." How is that? St. Thomas Aquinas taught that Islam is a Christian heresy. How can a heretical sect be in the plan of salvation? Islam teaches that Jesus was not divine; Catholicism teaches that he is identical with God. Through logic, the law of non-contradiction …More
Something, I have difficulty in understanding, and at times find troubling.
The new Catechism says that "Islam is in the plan of salvation." How is that? St. Thomas Aquinas taught that Islam is a Christian heresy. How can a heretical sect be in the plan of salvation? Islam teaches that Jesus was not divine; Catholicism teaches that he is identical with God. Through logic, the law of non-contradiction- they both can't be right. Perhaps, there "may be" some Muslims on a personal individual level that through no fault of their own, and attempting to follow God's will according to the best lights that they have albeit a distorted light. But, I cannot see how the distorted and heretical system of Islam as a whole can be in any way part of the Church, and an efficacious means of salvation? Does anyone have any answers or insights?
Well there is ongoing dialogue with Islam and that unfortunately is not a joke.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Did Bugnini and Weakland drop acid during Vatican II and come up with this?
Before some members have a coronary over this story, it's a joke. Although we have seen much come out of the hierarchy in the past several decades that we thought couldn't be real but was.More
Did Bugnini and Weakland drop acid during Vatican II and come up with this?

Before some members have a coronary over this story, it's a joke. Although we have seen much come out of the hierarchy in the past several decades that we thought couldn't be real but was.