The Catholic Church and Papacy. An urgent call!
Steven Hosten
Thank you for sharing, very usefull here in Belgium.
God bless
This is disgusting. I cannot watch this entire video.
You played the racism card, apparently thinking we in the USA cannot accept a "Latino" Pope. Balderdash. In any case, Pope Francis is ethnically ITALIAN, like me. Your generalizations about Yankees, like me, are bigoted. SHAME.
You have defamed Michael Voris, a man who is certainly angry, but who is doing great good. I have some personal acquaintance …More
This is disgusting. I cannot watch this entire video.
You played the racism card, apparently thinking we in the USA cannot accept a "Latino" Pope. Balderdash. In any case, Pope Francis is ethnically ITALIAN, like me. Your generalizations about Yankees, like me, are bigoted. SHAME.
You have defamed Michael Voris, a man who is certainly angry, but who is doing great good. I have some personal acquaintance with Michael. Your remarks about him are wrong, uncharitable, and defamatory. SHAME.
Scott Hahn came into full communion with the Catholic Church in 1986. Your casting doubts on him is just plan wrong. SHAME!
I suggest you make a video retracting this garbage.
P.S. Anyone in the world can ASK a pope to resign; no one can COMMAND him to resign.
I’ve read Marino’s book and respected him very much. Therefore, his comments are disheartening. How does he explain the Pachamama Idolatry in St. Peter’s Basilica? The Pope blessed a pagan idol and people prostrated themselves in front of it. This isn’t merely respecting another’s religion… this is idolatry. Does Marino condone this from Pope Francis? Thankfully a young man threw the idol in a …More
I’ve read Marino’s book and respected him very much. Therefore, his comments are disheartening. How does he explain the Pachamama Idolatry in St. Peter’s Basilica? The Pope blessed a pagan idol and people prostrated themselves in front of it. This isn’t merely respecting another’s religion… this is idolatry. Does Marino condone this from Pope Francis? Thankfully a young man threw the idol in a river not unlike Jesus chasing out the money changers in the temple.
I am from Argentina Marino am I also racist for having major concerns with this pope? Are the African bishops concerned when this pope wants to give communion to unrepentant adulterers also racist? How about the Chinese bishops who are concerned when the pope sides with the communist gov't rather than the Church? Are they also racist?
It seems that the wolves in sheep's clothing are those who want …More
I am from Argentina Marino am I also racist for having major concerns with this pope? Are the African bishops concerned when this pope wants to give communion to unrepentant adulterers also racist? How about the Chinese bishops who are concerned when the pope sides with the communist gov't rather than the Church? Are they also racist?

It seems that the wolves in sheep's clothing are those who want to give communion to protestants, want to marry homosexual couples, want to support the communist party in China, want to give communion to adulterers without repentance and conversion. Coincidentally those are the same ones who support Pope Francis.
Stop using the name of God to persecute those who love the Church so much that are concerned when even a pope tries desperately to change Her.
Homosexual orgies in the Vatican and you think those bishops who are trying to purify the Church are the wolves?
I know you will realize it sooner or later, but you need to pray for the virtue of courage. This is a battle between good and evil. Evil has entered the Church and one can tell who are those siding with Body of Christ and those who want to changer Her.
Restrepo is misleadling , what about communism peronism mafia in argentina 100% supported by Bergoglio
is not about democracy in the church is about self destructive behaviour against the church, every catholic knows that its not democracy votes, so the people of God is tired of impostures
What a confusion, in the church, Lord whom shall we follow you have the message of eternal life.
@maria1900 if you have to question whether or not this is a catholic web page, then why post here?
Can anyone source all the videos attacking Pope Francis? Is this a catholic web page??
Can anyone source this video? My guess is that he's either a day release patient or substance abuser. In any case I call on all (yes, gringos too) to pray for his speedy recovery.
August 18, 2018
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ of the Diocese of Madison,
The past weeks have brought a great deal of scandal, justified anger, and a call for answers and action by many faithful Catholics here in the U.S. and overseas, directed at the Church hierarchy regarding sexual sins by bishops, priests, and even cardinals. Still more anger is rightly directed at those who have been …More
August 18, 2018

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ of the Diocese of Madison,

The past weeks have brought a great deal of scandal, justified anger, and a call for answers and action by many faithful Catholics here in the U.S. and overseas, directed at the Church hierarchy regarding sexual sins by bishops, priests, and even cardinals. Still more anger is rightly directed at those who have been complicit in keeping some of these serious sins from coming to light. For my part — and I know I am not alone — I am tired of this. I am tired of people being hurt, gravely hurt! I am tired of the obfuscation of truth. I am tired of sin. And, as one who has tried — despite my many imperfections — to lay down my life for Christ and His Church, I am tired of the regular violation of sacred duties by those entrusted with immense responsibility from the Lord for the care of His people. The stories being brought into light and displayed in gruesome detail with regard to some priests, religious, and now even those in places of highest leadership, are sickening. Hearing even one of these stories is, quite literally, enough to make someone sick. But my own sickness at the stories is quickly put into perspective when I recall the fact that many individuals have lived through them for years. For them, these are not stories, they are indeed realities. To them I turn and say, again, I am sorry for what you have suffered and what you continue to suffer in your mind and in your heart.

If you have not already done so, I beg you to reach out, as hard as that may be, and seek help to begin to heal. Also, if you’ve been hurt by a priest of our diocese, I encourage you to come forward, to make a report to law enforcement and to our Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, so that we might begin, with you as an individual, to try and set things right to the greatest extent possible. There is nothing about these stories that is okay. These actions, committed by more than a few, can only be classified as evil, evil that cries out for justice and sin that must be cast out from our Church.

Faced with stories of the depravity of sinners within the Church, I have been tempted to despair. And why? The reality of sin — even sin in the Church — is nothing new. We are a Church made of sinners, but we are sinners called to sanctity. So what is new? What is new is the seeming acceptance of sin by some in the Church, and the apparent efforts to cover over sin by them and others. Unless and until we take seriously our call to sanctity, we, as an institution and as individuals, will continue to suffer the “wages of sin.” For too long we have diminished the reality of sin — we have refused to call a sin a sin — and we have excused sin in the name of a mistaken notion of mercy. In our efforts to be open to the world we have become all too willing to abandon the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In order to avoid causing offense we offer to ourselves and to others niceties and human consolation.

Why do we do this? Is it out of an earnest desire to display a misguided sense of being “pastoral?” Have we covered over the truth out of fear? Are we afraid of being disliked by people in this world? Or are we afraid of being called hypocrites because we are not striving tirelessly for holiness in our own lives?
Perhaps these are the reasons, but perhaps it is more or less complex than this. In the end, the excuses do not matter. We must be done with sin. It must be rooted out and again considered unacceptable. Love sinners? Yes. Accept true repentance? Yes. But do not say sin is okay. And do not pretend that grave violations of office and of trust come without grave, lasting consequences.

For the Church, the crisis we face is not limited to the McCarrick affair, or the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report, or anything else that may come. The deeper crisis that must be addressed is the license for sin to have a home in individuals at every level of the Church. There is a certain comfort level with sin that has come to pervade our teaching, our preaching, our decision making, and our very way of living. If you’ll permit me, what the Church needs now is more hatred! As I have said previously, St. Thomas Aquinas said that hatred of wickedness actually belongs to the virtue of charity. As the Book of Proverbs says “My mouth shall meditate truth, and my lips shall hate wickedness (Prov. 8:7).” It is an act of love to hate sin and to call others to turn away from sin. There must be no room left, no refuge for sin — either within our own lives, or within the lives of our communities. To be a refuge for sinners (which we should be), the Church must be a place where sinners can turn to be reconciled. In this I speak of all sin. But to be clear, in the specific situations at hand, we are talking about deviant sexual — almost exclusively homosexual — acts by clerics. We’re also talking about homosexual propositions and abuses against seminarians and young priests by powerful priests, bishops, and cardinals. We are talking about acts and actions which are not only in violation of the sacred promises made by some, in short, sacrilege, but also are in violation of the natural moral law for all. To call it anything else would be deceitful and would only ignore the problem further.
There has been a great deal of effort to keep separate acts which fall under the category of now-culturally-acceptable acts of homosexuality from the publicly-deplorable acts of pedophilia. That is to say, until recently the problems of the Church have been painted purely as problems of pedophilia — this despite clear evidence to the contrary. It is time to be honest that the problems are both and they are more. To fall into the trap of parsing problems according to what society might find acceptable or unacceptable is ignoring the fact that the Church has never held ANY of it to be acceptable — neither the abuse of children, nor any use of one’s sexuality outside of the marital relationship, nor the sin of sodomy, nor the entering of clerics into intimate sexual relationships at all, nor the abuse and coercion by those with authority.

In this last regard, special mention should be made of the most notorious and highest in ranking case, that being the allegations of former-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s (oft-rumored, now very public) sexual sins, predation, and abuse of power. The well-documented details of this case are disgraceful and seriously scandalous, as is any covering up of such appalling actions by other Church leaders who knew about it based on solid evidence.
While recent credible accusations of child sexual abuse by Archbishop McCarrick have brought a whole slew of issues to light, long-ignored was the issue of abuse of his power for the sake of homosexual gratification.

It is time to admit that there is a homosexual subculture within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that is wreaking great devastation in the vineyard of the Lord. The Church’s teaching is clear that the homosexual inclination is not in itself sinful, but it is intrinsically disordered in a way that renders any man stably afflicted by it unfit to be a priest. And the decision to act upon this disordered inclination is a sin so grave that it cries out to heaven for vengeance, especially when it involves preying upon the young or the vulnerable. Such wickedness should be hated with a perfect hatred. Christian charity itself demands that we should hate wickedness just as we love goodness. But while hating the sin, we must never hate the sinner, who is called to conversion, penance, and renewed communion with Christ and His Church, through His inexhaustible mercy. At the same time, however, the love and mercy which we are called to have even for the worst of sinners does not exclude holding them accountable for their actions through a punishment proportionate to the gravity of their offense. In fact, a just punishment is an important work of love and mercy, because, while it serves primarily as retribution for the offense committed, it also offers the guilty party an opportunity to make expiation for his sin in this life (if he willingly accepts his punishment), thus sparing him worse punishment in the life to come. Motivated, therefore, by love and concern for souls, I stand with those calling for justice to be done upon the guilty. The sins and crimes of McCarrick, and of far too many others in the Church, bring suspicion and mistrust upon many good and virtuous priests, bishops, and cardinals, and suspicion and mistrust upon many great and respectable seminaries and so many holy and faithful seminarians. The result of the first instance of mistrust harms the Church and the very good work we do in Christ’s name. It causes others to sin in their thoughts, words, and deeds — which is the very definition of scandal. And the second mistrust harms the future of the Church, since our future priests are at stake. I said that I was tempted to despair in light of all of this. However, that temptation quickly passed, thanks be to God. No matter how large the problem, we know that we are called to go forward in faith, to rely upon God’s promises to us, and to work hard to make every bit of difference we can, within our spheres of influence. I have recently had the opportunity to talk directly with our seminarians about these very pressing matters, and I have begun to, and will continue to, talk with the priests of the diocese, as well as the faithful, in person and through my weekly column and homilies, making things as clear as I can, from my perspective. Here now, I offer a few thoughts to those of my diocese:

In the first place, we must continue to build upon the good work which we have accomplished in protecting the youth and vulnerable of our diocese. This is a work on which we can never rest in our vigilance, nor our efforts to improve. We must continue in our work of education for all and hold to the effective policies that have been …
Paul Bizard
I agree 100% with what you said, and this is Marino's line, but we must stay faithfull to the Pope. Luther pointed out some mistakes. But he should have stayed faithfull. The cross is for every Christian.
Marino, tienes razón, existe un plan para derribar a este papa y poner en su lugar al antipapa, que a su vez abrirá las puertas del Vaticano al ANTICRISTO. Ese es el plan, pero la gente no quiere aceptarlo. Estamos en el fin de los tiempos, y la cuenta atrás ya ha comenzado. El Anticristo no tardará en hacer su aparición, y será bendecido por el nuevo antipapa que sustituirá a Francisco como si …More
Marino, tienes razón, existe un plan para derribar a este papa y poner en su lugar al antipapa, que a su vez abrirá las puertas del Vaticano al ANTICRISTO. Ese es el plan, pero la gente no quiere aceptarlo. Estamos en el fin de los tiempos, y la cuenta atrás ya ha comenzado. El Anticristo no tardará en hacer su aparición, y será bendecido por el nuevo antipapa que sustituirá a Francisco como si fuera la 2 venida de Jesucristo, por eso necesitan eliminar a Francisco. Después empezarán los terribles 3 años de castigos apocalípticos.
This time Marino, I don't go with any of what you say, so you have lost credibility with me. How dare you condemn Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Vigano! Do you give full support to the likes of FrJames Martin and his cronies? btw Michael Voris is an EX homosexual. Maybe that is why he has such a passion with all of this.
Paul Bizard
You must be faithfull to the Pope if you are Catholic. Period. Look at the life of St Padre Pio.
alex j
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alex j 1 minute ago
What a load of rubbish! Proof of your idiotic claims of messages from Christ are based solely on your say so. Secondly, your bias is self evident. Personally I couldn't care less what nationality any given Pope might be. However I do care whether any given Pope carries out his primary role[s] of preserving the "Faith of Fathers" and ensuring …More
wrote …

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alex j 1 minute ago
What a load of rubbish! Proof of your idiotic claims of messages from Christ are based solely on your say so. Secondly, your bias is self evident. Personally I couldn't care less what nationality any given Pope might be. However I do care whether any given Pope carries out his primary role[s] of preserving the "Faith of Fathers" and ensuring the holiness of the prince's of the hierarchy. On both these accounts Pope Francis has failed miserably
Here you go Marino. This will help you with @frawley 's question: www.francisquotes.com
Instead of accusations of persecution and attack, could you please explain to me Pope Francis's statements that appear to contradict what all of our former Popes have taught? I seem to remember that Pope Francis is an Italian who lived in Argentina not an Hispanic.
@maria1900 Total baloney. The devil is using him. Notice all his threats of hell that he says "God" informed him about. No, that was the devil. Then he accuses everyone of being racist. Is Marino friends with Cupich? Does he know that Pope Francis is full blooded Italian and his grandfather grew up in the same village as Vigano's grandfather?
Vigano is now a closet homosexual? Where's the proof?
@maria1900 Total baloney. The devil is using him. Notice all his threats of hell that he says "God" informed him about. No, that was the devil. Then he accuses everyone of being racist. Is Marino friends with Cupich? Does he know that Pope Francis is full blooded Italian and his grandfather grew up in the same village as Vigano's grandfather?

Vigano is now a closet homosexual? Where's the proof?

This man is full of contradictions. He says he speaks up about abuse, but then criticizes the faithful. Then he says, "A good Catholic respects sacred traditions...."
This man is very misinformed/confused or was put up to this nonsense. Or a very bad case of Papalotry. The faithful don't need to hear about your heretical Liberation Theology ("gringo") beliefs that are so rampant in S. America. The Pope and the Bishops are persecuting the faithful and the Church. Not the other way around amigo. There's a difference between holy orders and bad men who are actively …More
This man is very misinformed/confused or was put up to this nonsense. Or a very bad case of Papalotry. The faithful don't need to hear about your heretical Liberation Theology ("gringo") beliefs that are so rampant in S. America. The Pope and the Bishops are persecuting the faithful and the Church. Not the other way around amigo. There's a difference between holy orders and bad men who are actively destroying the church in plain sight for all to see. Open your Eyes!

"If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic Faith, do not follow him."
-Pope Pius IX

"The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful."
-Pope St. Pius X
Joseph a' Christian
False Francis hates Jesus. False Francis promotes homosexuals, Muhammad the murderer, he celebrates with anti-Christ jews at their ceremonies, he opposes Jesus’ teachings... Faithful Catholics MUST oppose this destructive devil. Bekause the Holy Spirit does NOT make an evil beast a pope, homosexual bishops do.
Jesus Is Truth.
confused person!
Thanks God we have Marino Restrepo who denouced the people who are percecuting the Pope, the Church