City Prepping News - How Does The War End with Russia and Ukraine? This week we quickly run through and focus on issues that will have an immediate impact on you, along with pressing issues on the …More
City Prepping News - How Does The War End with Russia and Ukraine?
This week we quickly run through and focus on issues that will have an immediate impact on you, along with pressing issues on the horizon. Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: Get Started Guide by City Prepping - start your preparedness journey: The Prepper's Roadmap Online Course by Kris aka City Prepping (Full Price) - City Prepping Courses
Videos referenced:
* I told you if I was concerned: I Told You If I Was Concerned, I'd Let You Know...
* How to save on your electricity bill this winter: 9 Easy Hacks to Save Energy This Winter (And Stay Warm)
* How to survive a winter power outage: 24 Affordable Winter Survival Items to Get Now (How to Survive a Winter Power Outage)
Bear Independent's video:
* Target Acquired! GSM Needs your Help! Support Grindstone Ministries: * grindstoneministries.com Build a 1-year food storage setup: * How to Build 1 Year of Food Storage - Ultimate Guide DISCLAIMER: This …More
Alex A
CNN propaganda. Pure and simple. Not one criticism about NATO, EU, or USA culpability. Russia bad! That's it.