Tradycyjna Msza Łacińska, w 25. rocznicę Pro Missa Tridentina. 25 kwietnia 2015 Tradycyjna Msza Łacińska, w 25. rocznicę Pro Missa Tridentina. 25 kwietnia 2015Więcej
Tradycyjna Msza Łacińska, w 25. rocznicę Pro Missa Tridentina. 25 kwietnia 2015
Tradycyjna Msza Łacińska, w 25. rocznicę Pro Missa Tridentina. 25 kwietnia 2015
Very beautiful Traditional Catholic Mass,completely,substantially and esentially different of the current Protestant mass that after the Second Vatican is being " celebrated" ,this is what the Catholic faithful has lost supplanted for a non Catholic new liturgy,ambiguous,liberal and modernist one that only make happy to the heretics and to satan and that is conducting us to go away from Our Lord …Więcej
Very beautiful Traditional Catholic Mass,completely,substantially and esentially different of the current Protestant mass that after the Second Vatican is being " celebrated" ,this is what the Catholic faithful has lost supplanted for a non Catholic new liturgy,ambiguous,liberal and modernist one that only make happy to the heretics and to satan and that is conducting us to go away from Our Lord Jesus Christ,away from the One and only true Church, is conducting to Catholic to Apostasy and to the wold to not converting to the Only one Faith that can save us from eternal damnation in hell and preventing with it false teaching our Salvation to live forever with our Creator and God. These are the consequence of abandoning the true Mass and the true Faith preached by our Redeemer ,the Apostles and the the Holy Mother ,the Roman and Apostolic Catholic Church. This is SCANDALOUS !!!!!
Pugnus DEI.
👍 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏