The 'Bergoglio problem' exists, and it is an increasingly evident and devastating problem for the entire Catholic Church.

Can we know if Pope Francis is an illegitimate pontiff? - LifeSite

The “Bergoglio problem” exists, and it is an increasingly evident and devastating problem for the entire Catholic Church. It not only …
Klaus Elmar Müller
Jesus Christ lets Bergoglio on St. Peter's chair. It is Jesus Christ's job to confirm His promise in Matthew 16:18. It would be fatal for the future to introduce a possibility of deposition, which would certainly be abused at some point and would also make the Pope constantly vulnerable to blackmail. A few other popes were also “not edifying.” The question will be: If Bergoglio knew and wanted the …More
Jesus Christ lets Bergoglio on St. Peter's chair. It is Jesus Christ's job to confirm His promise in Matthew 16:18. It would be fatal for the future to introduce a possibility of deposition, which would certainly be abused at some point and would also make the Pope constantly vulnerable to blackmail. A few other popes were also “not edifying.” The question will be: If Bergoglio knew and wanted the Catholic doctrine to be destroyed - then he would no longer have been Pope. Good faith heresies, on the other hand, do not mean that a pope denies his own Catholic papacy. --- Jesus Christus hat Bergoglio auf die Kathedra Petri gelassen. Es ist Jesu Christi Aufgabe, Seine Verheißung in Matth 16, 18 zu bestätigen. Es wäre fatal für die Zukunft, eine Absetzungsmöglichkeit einzuführen, die mit Sicherheit irgendwann missbraucht würde und überdies eine dauernde Erpressbarkeit des Papstes hervorbrächte. "Nicht erbaulich" waren auch einige wenige andere Päpste. Die Frage wird sein: Wusste und wollte und Bergoglio, dass die katholische Doktrin zerstört wird - dann wäre er nicht mehr Papst gewesen. Gutgläubige Häresien hingegen bedeuten nicht, dass ein Papst sein eigenes katholisches Papsttum leugnet.
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It seems a tremendous amount of thought, effort and prayer has gone into “if” Francis is Pope. It is a fair question but perhaps there is a different approach. Aquinas notes that one legitimately disobeys a superior of that superior is giving instructions outside his area of authority. The Pope’s purpose and authority is to preserve and defend the deposit of faith which has been passed down from …More
It seems a tremendous amount of thought, effort and prayer has gone into “if” Francis is Pope. It is a fair question but perhaps there is a different approach. Aquinas notes that one legitimately disobeys a superior of that superior is giving instructions outside his area of authority. The Pope’s purpose and authority is to preserve and defend the deposit of faith which has been passed down from the Apostles. If the Pope gives advice on hygiene or auto speed limits, we would know, regardless of the “faith words” used in the presentation, that he speaks with no authority at all. By the same token, if a Pope’s words seek to change or expose the faith passed down from the Apostles to danger, we would also know to ignore him. It is no more disrespectful to the Pope to ignore the suggestion that what Peter and Paul taught was wrong than to ignore his advice on shampoo or skin cream.

To formulate a Synodal Church, that is, one which gives authority to local synods to revise the deposit of faith, neither preserves no protects the faith passed down from the Apostles. Such a proposal is simply not valid even if transmitted over a Papal signature. It is invalid, in Paul’s words, even if announced by an Angel from Heaven.

The 'Bergoglio problem' exists, and it is an increasingly evident and devastating problem for the entire Catholic Church.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is a great response, and I've read that millions of faithful Catholics, and even priests,religious, bishops and even Cardinals, are doing just this...ignoring Pope Francis and his trying to build another form of Church.
He is an apostate and heretic, in love with homosexuality. Most of his associates are either pro-homo, or openly homo themselves, or "outed" as homo (Tucho Fernandez). We owe …More
This is a great response, and I've read that millions of faithful Catholics, and even priests,religious, bishops and even Cardinals, are doing just this...ignoring Pope Francis and his trying to build another form of Church.
He is an apostate and heretic, in love with homosexuality. Most of his associates are either pro-homo, or openly homo themselves, or "outed" as homo (Tucho Fernandez). We owe them nothing.
Malki Tzedek
A pope is best identified by his complete commitment to Church doctrine, teaching, and the example of his predecessors who have done likewise. Bergoglio doesn't meet that simple, but requisite, criteria.