
Damage Control: Cupich Hides Again Behind A Priest

The pastor of the St Joseph Parish in Libertyville, Father John Trout, issued a statement (below) claiming that it isn't true that Chicago Cardinal Cupich ordered to cease praying to St Michael after Mass.

This contradicts what his associate priest, Father Emanuel Torres-Fuentes (ordained in 2018), said last week during a live-stream, “Following the directive of Cardinal Cupich, we want to remind everyone that the prayer to Saint Michael is not to be said publicly following Mass.”

According to Trout, Cupich declared that "the recitation of prayers must never interfere with, interrupt or distract from the public liturgy of the Church,” and that “such prayers must always foster the unity of the Church, which is [allegedly] guaranteed by the Successor of Peter.”

The priest's statement then explains that Father Torres-Fuentes "misspoke" when he "falsely attributed statements to Cardinal Cupich.“ The decisive point is that after this verbiage the Saint Michael prayer will not continue at St Joseph.

Reciting this prayer after Mass was introduced in 1886 by Leo XIII and abolished with the 1969 Novus Ordo. Francis to whom Trout refers, recommended the prayer in September 2018.

Cupich has a history of passing the buck to his priests.

Picture: Blase Cupich, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsHeifjvzwvg

No no, the Cardinal doesn’t hate the St Michael prayer & Hail Marys. He just hates them said publicly, out loud and after Mass! (Oh yeah like that really makes it so much better)
Malki Tzedek
Liar, liar zuccehetto on fire.
Hugh N. Cry
Cupich has a history of banning participation of his priests in prolife activities such as 40 days for Life. Let’s not mention his covering fo sodo-priests as bishop and rector of a seminary.
He really doesn't understand that he is going to meet St Michael some day. I would love to watch that meeting!
Koza Nutria
The point is that he doesn't belive he will meet St Michael one day.