
Affirming marriage: 3 cardinals join 80 Catholic leaders

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra

3 cardinals join 80 Catholic leaders in declaration affirming Church’s unchangeable teaching on marriage

September 28, 2016 (VoiceoftheFamily) -- A Declaration of Fidelity to the Church’s Unchangeable Teaching on Marriage and to Her Uninterrupted Discipline was disclosed Tuesday by a group of 78 Catholic personalities, including cardinals, bishops, priests, eminent scholars, leaders of pro-family and pro-life organizations and influential figures of civil society.

The statement was disclosed by the association Supplica Filiale (Filial Appeal), the same organization that collected, between the two Synods on the family, nearly 900,000 signatures of Catholic faithful (including 211 prelates) in support of a petition asking Pope Francis for a word of clarification to dissipate the confusion disseminated in the Church on key issues of natural and Christian morality since the consistory of February 2014.

Read the full article, including the full list of 80 Catholic leaders who have signed the Declaration of Fidelity here.

Read the full text of the Declaration of Fidelity here.
Lionel L. Andrades
Catholic faith teaches : All Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and other non Catholics in 2016 are oriented to the fires of Hell unless they are incorporated into the Catholic Church as members, with 'faith and baptism'
All Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and other non Catholics in 2016 are oriented to the fires of Hell unless they are incorporated into the Catholic …More
Catholic faith teaches : All Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and other non Catholics in 2016 are oriented to the fires of Hell unless they are incorporated into the Catholic Church as members, with 'faith and baptism'

All Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and other non Catholics in 2016 are oriented to the fires of Hell unless they are incorporated into the Catholic Church as members, with 'faith and baptism' (Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14), Cantate Domino Council of Florence 1441, Dominus Iesus 20, Nicene Creed, Athanasius Creed etc). So I affirm Vatican Council II with the old ecclesiology.

The difference between me and the First Signatories of the 'Declaration of fidelity to the Church's unchangable teaching on marriage' is :-
1.All the signatoris would be rejecting the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in the Church 'which comes to us from the Apostles.'
2.All the signatories assume that the baptism of desire refers to visible cases and so is an explicit exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
3.The signatories suppose that we can see these hypothetical cases objectively on earth. So they are exceptions to the Church's constant magisterium.
-Lionel Andrades

September 29, 2016

What about a Declaration of fideltiy to the Church's unchangable teaching on salvation which has been changed and accepted by all the signatories of the Declaration of fidelity to the Church's unchangable teaching on marriage ?
Lionel L. Andrades
What about a Declaration of fideltiy to the Church's unchangable teaching on salvation which has been changed and accepted by all the signatories of the Declaration of fidelity to the Church's unchangable teaching on marriage.
'Declaration of fidelity to the Church's unchangable teaching on marriage' www.filialappeal.org/full
All the signatoris would be rejecting the traditional teaching on exclusive …More
What about a Declaration of fideltiy to the Church's unchangable teaching on salvation which has been changed and accepted by all the signatories of the Declaration of fidelity to the Church's unchangable teaching on marriage.
'Declaration of fidelity to the Church's unchangable teaching on marriage' www.filialappeal.org/full

All the signatoris would be rejecting the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in the Church 'which comes to us from the Apostles.'

Until recently, the Catholic Church remained the stronghold of true marriage and family, but errors about these two divine institutions are widespread today in Catholic circles, particularly after the Extraordinary and Ordinary Synods on the family, held in 2014 and 2015, respectively, and the publication of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. - See more at: www.filialappeal.org/full
All the signatories assume that the baptism of desire refers to visible cases and so is an explicit exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). So every one does not need to be incorporated into the Church as a member is the new heretical doctrine.
Their 'conscience' tells them that every one does not need to be a card carrying member of the Catholic Church any more.Since there are known exceptions of people in Heaven or on earth who have been saved outside the Church.They have gone to Heaven or are in Heaven without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14).
This has changed the Nicene Creed, but there are no objections to from the signatories, to Catholics in this state of mortal sin, a first class heresy. They can receive the Eucharist.

For centuries the Church's constant magisterium did not teach that hypotyhetical cases like the baptism of desire could be personally known to humans. Now it is supposed that we can see these hypothetical cases objectively on earth. So they are exceptions to the Church's constant magisterium. This is accepted by the signatories.-Lionel Andrades

First Signatories
Wolfgang Waldstein, Professor emeritus of the University of Salzburg, member of the Pontifical Academy for Life (Austria)
His Eminence Jãnis Cardinal Pujats, Archbishop emeritus of Riga (Latvia)
The Most Rev. Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Prof. Josef Seifert, Professor of Philosophy at the The International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein (IASPES), Founding Rector and Professor of the International Academy of Philosophy in the Principality of Liechtenstein (Austria)
Dr. Anca-Maria Cernea, President of the Ioan Barbus Foundation (Romania)
Dr. Vincent-Jean-Pierre Cernea (Romania)
Fr. Efrem Jindráček, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum (Rome-Italy)
His Eminence Carlo Cardinal Caffarra, Archbishop emeritus of Bologna, Founder and first president of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family (Italy)
His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Vatican)
Rev. Fr. Nicola Bux, Professor at the Theological Faculty of Puglia (Italy)
The Most Rev. Andreas Laun, Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg (Austria)
The Most Rev. Juan Rodolfo Laise, Archbishop emeritus of San Luis (Argentina)
Rev. Fr. Antonius Maria Mamsery, Superior General of the Missionaries of the Holy Cross in Singida (Tanzania)
Rev. Fr. Giovanni M. Scalese, B., Ecclesiastical superior of the mission sui iuris in Afghanistan
Rev. Fr. José María Iraburu, Former Professor of Spiritual Theology at the School of Theology of Northern Spain; President of the Gratis Date Foundation and editor of the Site InfoCatólica (Spain)
The Rev. Msgr. Juan Claudio Sanahuja, Doctor in Theology, Professor of Moral Theology and the Sacraments, journalist (Argentina)
Prof. Dr. Alma von Stockhausen, Professor of Philosophy and Founder of the Gustav-Siewerth Academy in Weilheim-Bielbronnen (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hilfer, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Institute for Computational Physics at the University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Adolpho Lindenberg, Co-Founder of the Brazilian Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and President of the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute (Brazil)
John Smeaton, Chief Executive of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children and co-founder of Voice of the Family (United Kingdom)
Prof. Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, Professor, economist and banker, Former President of IOR (Italy)
Prof. Dr. Massimo de Leonardis, Director of the Department of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Milan (Italy)
Count Giorgio Piccolomini (Italy)
Countess Felicitas Piccolomini (Italy)
Prof. Tommaso Scandroglio, Professor of Ethics and Bioethics at the European University (Italy)
Prof. Giovanni Turco, Professor of Philosophy of Public Law at the University of Udine (Italy)
H.I.R.H. Prince Dom Luiz of Orleans-Braganza, Head of the Imperial House of Brazil
Prof. Isobel Camp, Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum of Rome (United Kindgom)
H.H. Duke Paul of Oldenburg (Germany)
H.H. Duchess Pilar of Oldenburg (Germany)
Prince Carlo Massimo (Italy)
Princess Elisa Massimo (Italy)
Paolo Pasqualucci, Former Professor of the Philosophy of Law at the Faculty of Jurisprudence at the University of Perugia (Italy)
Prof. Corrado Gnerre, author and Professor of Religious Sciences (Italy)
H.I.R.H. Prince Dom Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza (Brazil)
Prof. John Laughland, author and Ph. D. Philosophy (United Kingdom)
Prof. Robert Lazu, author and Ph. D. Philosophy (Romania)
Prof. David Magalhães, Professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra (Portugal)
Prof. Enrico Maria Radaelli, author, Research director for research for the Department of Metaphysics of Beauty and Philosophy of Arts (Italy)
Rev. Fr. Brian Harrison, Former Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico; Scholar-in-Residence, Oblates of Wisdom Study Center (USA)
Prof. Roberto de Mattei, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the European University of Rome (Italy)
Rev. Fr. Dr. Marc Hausmann, Doctor and Professor of Philosophy (Austria)
Rev. Fr. Alfredo Morselli, Theologian and author (Italy)
Ambassador Emilio Barbarani (Italy)
Ambassador Héctor Riesle Contreras, former Chilean ambassador to the Holy See (Chile)
Archduchess Alejandra of Habsburg (Mrs. Hector Riesle Contreras) (Austria, Chile)
Rev. Fr. Fernando Palacios, Doctor of Canon Law (Spain)
James Bogle, Barrister and former President of Una Voce International (United Kingdom)
John-Henry Westen, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief LifeSiteNews.com (Canada)
Luis Fernando Pérez Bustamante, Director of InfoCatólica (Spain)
Maria Guarini, Director of the Site “Chiesa e Post Concilio” (Italy)
Dr. Caio Xavier da Silveira, Co-founder of the Brazilian Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP), President of the Fédération Pro Europa Christiana (France)
Prof. Gianandrea de Antonellis, President of the European Institute of Research, Studies and Formation (I.E.R.E.F.) (Italy)
Dr. Mauro Faverzani, Editor of “Radici Cristiane” (Italy)
Prof. Federico Catani, author and doctor in Religious Sciences (Italy)
Prof. Guido Vignelli, author and researcher on the family (Italy)
Maria Madise, Coordinator of Voice of the Family (Estonia)
Cristina Siccardi, writer and historian (Italy)
Mario Navarro da Costa, Director, Tradition, Family, Property Washington Bureau (USA)
Mathias von Gersdorff, writer and lecturer (Germany)
Marchioness Gabriella Spalletti Trivelli Coda Nunziante (Italy)
Virginia Coda Nunziante, President of Famiglia Domani (Italy)
Prof. Raúl del Toro, Professor of organ and organist (Spain)
Prof. María Arratíbel , Professor of music (Spain)
Daniel Iglesias Grèzes, Secretary of the Catholic Cultural Centre “Fe y Razón” (Uruguay)
Pedro Luis Llera Vázquez, Catholic School Director (Spain)
David González Cea (signs as Alonso Gracián), Thomist philosopher and writer (Spain)
José Miguel Arráiz, Catechist and founder of ApologeticaCatolica.org (Venezuela)
Antonello Brandi, President Pro Vita Onlus (Italy)
Suzanne Pearson, Delegate, Emperor Karl League of Prayer (USA)
Paul N. King, President and Founder, The Paulus Institute for the Propagation of Sacred Liturgy (USA)
Donna Fitzpatrick Bethell, Chairman of the Board of Christendom College, former Under Secretary, US Department of Energy (USA)
Alessandra Nucci, Writer and Director of the magazine Una Voce Grida (Italy)
Prof. Néstor Martínez, Licentiate in Philosophy, Professor and writer. Co-Founder of “Fe y Razón” (Uruguay)
Prof. Javier Paredes, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Alcalà (Spain)
The Honourable Justin Shaw (United Kingdom)
Mrs. Caroline Shaw (United Kingdom)
Bruno Moreno, Licentiate in Physics and Ecclesiastical Studies, writer and editor of Vita Brevis (Spain)
Juan José Romero, Editor and Consultant for Communications (Spain)
Dr. Alberto Zelger, President of the Centro Culturale Nicolò Stenone (Italy)
Gianfranco Amato, President of Lawyers for Life, National Secretary of Popolo della Famiglia (Italy)
- See more at: www.filialappeal.org/seemore
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