
Coronavirus: US will not participate in WHO vaccine project after Trump turned against it

The US will not participate in a global effort with the World Health Organisation to develop drugs and a vaccine …
This is huge news! What a brave man! Bravo, Mr. Trump! I've just read there is a vaccine now developed which renders both men and women sterile!…/the-uk-vaccine-…
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Dario Bussola arrested in Italy for speaking the truth…/lawyer-brother-…
Our Lady of Sorrows
When is Trump going to open up the USA, needs to be opened now, he needs to deal with immediate issues, unemployment, economy crashing, people's health suffering
What you need to understand is American government (at its best) cherishes autonomy and independence. Each state in America is like its own individual country. We Americans call the concept, "states' rights". The best of our national leaders respect that right. Mr. Trump has allowed the leaders of each state, the governors, to run things according to their own ideological backgrounds.
Leftist …More
What you need to understand is American government (at its best) cherishes autonomy and independence. Each state in America is like its own individual country. We Americans call the concept, "states' rights". The best of our national leaders respect that right. Mr. Trump has allowed the leaders of each state, the governors, to run things according to their own ideological backgrounds.

Leftist governors have, predictably, imposed draconian (yet hypocritical) "lockdown" protocols and sent law-enforcement scurrying around to ensure such double-standards are enforced. More libertarian-minded governors have not. This is how America works, how America should work. Our citizens get to see the result of each method and vote for candidates or (if necessary) move to states that reflect their own individual outlook.

Mr. Trump IS dealing with immediate issues. When certain (unsurprisingly) leftist governors threatened the nation's food supply by shutting down major manufacturing/ processing centres, then he intervened. He was forced to prevent the foolishness of a few from immediately affecting everyone else. Mr. Trump is doing what he should do and, just as importantly, not overly interfering where he shouldn't.

Unemployment is the result of policies at the state level. If citizens dislike what their state leadership is doing, then maybe they will finally get off their lazy backsides and vote for sensible replacements. If not, then they deserve what they get.

The same is also true for the health of those citizens. Not all state leaders are behaving so hysterically. In my own state, our governor struck a clever political balance. He instituted "lockdown" and "stay at home" protocols to appease the media-promoted concerns. This is simply good politics. He had to do "something" else his political enemies would have a ready excuse to blame him for every runny nose from springtime allergies.

At the same time, he included so many exceptions and extenuating circumstances nearly anyone can find a perfectly valid reason to go wherever they please. Many businesses are staying open because they sell "food" -that is they sell something else primarily but happen to stock snack foods such as sodas, candy and packets of crisps. :D

The state leadership sets the policies, and just as importantly, sets the tone of how those policies are enforced.

Where I live, people still walk their dogs in the park. They still go shopping at the market and still get take-away dinners and so on. Unlike the EU (and those leftist-run American states imitating it) we don't have "bobbies" on our streets barking orders to stay indoors or arresting people for praying outside their churches or any other rot.

Mr. Trump is doing what he should and more power to him.