
Vatican Media: Byzantine Liturgy Ressembles Roman Mass, Not Novus Ordo

Francis who hates the Roman Mass, celebrated on September 14 the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom in Prešov, Slovakia.

Some 40,000 people attended. Catholic Sat stresses on Twitter.com that VATICAN journalists observed that the Divine Liturgy is more similar with the Roman Mass which is of apostolic origin, than with the Eucharist, invented by Paul VI in 1969.

A Portuguese language commentary on Vatican media noticed that the Divine Liturgy "is more complex and celebrated with greater solemnity - like the Old Latin Mass."

Francis who constantly meddles in politics, said during Mass that the cross is not “a political symbol” although it is an essential part of the Slovak national coat of arms and flag.


"The Mass of Saint Gregory the Great, the old Latin Liturgy, now finds itself on the 'lunatic fringe' of the Roman Church, whereas the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is alive in all its splendor in the very heart of the Orthodox Church." ~Martin Mosebach
Look at all those covid masks normally required when there's a crowd around Francis. Except if the people in the crowd are important.:P
Francis is willing to celebrate the Byzantine Liturgy. Good for him! And yet, his animosity for the traditional Roman Mass remains. Ever since the 60s, it’s been popular among clergy to fall down in reverence toward Eastern traditions while disparaging those of the West. Why? I don’t know. But this is why we got a Eucharistic Prayer spoken aloud, and new prayers written besides the Roman Canon that …More
Francis is willing to celebrate the Byzantine Liturgy. Good for him! And yet, his animosity for the traditional Roman Mass remains. Ever since the 60s, it’s been popular among clergy to fall down in reverence toward Eastern traditions while disparaging those of the West. Why? I don’t know. But this is why we got a Eucharistic Prayer spoken aloud, and new prayers written besides the Roman Canon that had invocations to the Holy Spirit. It was used as a defense of Communion standing and Communion under both species as well — the East does it! In reality, despite superficial differences, the traditional Roman Rite has more in common with the Divine Liturgy than its reformed counterpart does. That’s not even to disparage the new Mass, per se, but simply to acknowledge that if you respect the traditional East, you must respect the traditional West, too.
Look at those gorgeous Byzantine vestments - and then compare to the hideous Novus Ordo horse blanket worn by Francis.
John A Cassani
How true. It is, however, right and proper that he would use Roman vestments, as one is meant to wear the vestments of their own Rite when celebrating another. In my experience, it’s very common for Roman Rite priests to wear Byzantine vestments when concelebrating the Byzantine Rite, which is incorrect.
Francis condemns political use of religious symbols - we can guess which politicians he does - and doesn’t - have in mind.
Eastern Catholic Melkite
However those modernist ecumenists in the Vatican shouldn't attempt to latinize The Eastern Catholic Churches because we won't conform to it. They tried it in the past and they failed!!!
To latinize? Is the old phobia still alive? Where have you been for the last 50 years of the local inculturation?
ECM: Melkites, at least in the U.S., are still somewhat "Latinized." The local parish used to have an organ and kneelers (although both are gone now), but women read the epistle, there is a "handshake of peace" that entered the liturgy several years ago, the readings contain faulty translations borrowed from Roman Catholics, inter alia. Not to mention the general modern attitude of some of the clergy …More
ECM: Melkites, at least in the U.S., are still somewhat "Latinized." The local parish used to have an organ and kneelers (although both are gone now), but women read the epistle, there is a "handshake of peace" that entered the liturgy several years ago, the readings contain faulty translations borrowed from Roman Catholics, inter alia. Not to mention the general modern attitude of some of the clergy. In some old videos of the annual Catholic gathering in LA, one can see a Melkite priest participating in what is, ostensibly, a "Mass." Terrible.
Eastern Catholic Melkite
To answer V.R.S................as you say the ''is old phobia is still alive''...................sadly yes (not on a paranoid level) as recently I have personally had an argument with a novus ordo priest who came to attend the Divine Liturgy and he was so adamant that we should latinize (I mean incorporating novus ordo and shortening the length/duration of the Liturgy) our Eastern Rite............…More
To answer V.R.S................as you say the ''is old phobia is still alive''...................sadly yes (not on a paranoid level) as recently I have personally had an argument with a novus ordo priest who came to attend the Divine Liturgy and he was so adamant that we should latinize (I mean incorporating novus ordo and shortening the length/duration of the Liturgy) our Eastern Rite......................I must admit that we hardly get any novus ordo priests visiting us but this time was very peculiar.
@Eastern Catholic Melkite
Strange because the spiritus movens of the Novus Ordo revolution was "deromanization" or if you prefer "delatinization" of the liturgy. The Latin Divine Liturgy became the God's People Liturgy of diverse local variations.
Read this morning in Gueranger's "Liturgical Year" how this feast is associated with several political/military victories of Christian rulers. Seems other feasts (ex. O. L. of the Rosary) also have that background, though the Vatican 2 church downplays it.
Psst ! These are politically incorrect and anti-ecumenical phantoms of the past. Don't wake them up.
Most Papal liturgies are in the vernacular and then when he goes and offers an Eastern Rite he prays in Latin.
It was rather odd to hear Latin at the liturgy, but it's understandable because the pope obviously doesn't speak Slovak. I noticed that they added some traditional Slavonic as well. If we include the word "Alleluia" and the sermon, there were at least five different languages spoken during this liturgy.
I also noticed that there were a fair amount of Roman Rite Catholics there, which became quite …More
It was rather odd to hear Latin at the liturgy, but it's understandable because the pope obviously doesn't speak Slovak. I noticed that they added some traditional Slavonic as well. If we include the word "Alleluia" and the sermon, there were at least five different languages spoken during this liturgy.

I also noticed that there were a fair amount of Roman Rite Catholics there, which became quite obvious at the Gospel.
Defeat Modernism
The Novus Ordo resembles the heretical rites of faithless and immoral protestants. It was created illicitly by Paul VI in violation to his papal oath, in violation to Pope St. Pius V's decree Quo Primum, and in violation to Session 7 Canon 13 of the Council of Trent to appease the faithless protestants. This is a historical fact and this video has the evidence to prove it youtu.be/AcVPtIYuuBM