Eastern Catholic Melkite
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Vatican Media: Byzantine Liturgy Ressembles Roman Mass, Not Novus Ordo

To answer V.R.S................as you say the ''is old phobia is still alive''...................sadly yes (not on a paranoid level) as recently I have personally had an argument with a novus ordo priest who came to attend the Divine Liturgy and he was so adamant that we should latinize (I mean incorporating novus ordo and shortening the length/duration of the Liturgy) our Eastern Rite............…More
To answer V.R.S................as you say the ''is old phobia is still alive''...................sadly yes (not on a paranoid level) as recently I have personally had an argument with a novus ordo priest who came to attend the Divine Liturgy and he was so adamant that we should latinize (I mean incorporating novus ordo and shortening the length/duration of the Liturgy) our Eastern Rite......................I must admit that we hardly get any novus ordo priests visiting us but this time was very peculiar.
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Vatican Media: Byzantine Liturgy Ressembles Roman Mass, Not Novus Ordo

However those modernist ecumenists in the Vatican shouldn't attempt to latinize The Eastern Catholic Churches because we won't conform to it. They tried it in the past and they failed!!!
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Francis’ Reform: “Disturbing” and “Dangerous” Characters

There's a lot of disturbing and dangerous characters in the Catholic Church....................a long list starting with bergoglio!!!
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Ah, the Jesuits. They don't think we should talk about transubstantiation, and that the Eucharist …

Typical jesuit mindset............just like that fruitcake who likes to call himself pope francis.
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Orbán Presented Francis With A Letter About Muslim Invasion

In my humble opinion the only way to prevent/halt the muslim invasion of Europe is that Europeans must hold on to the Christian faith/values/morals. Stop selling empty churches to muslims so that they transform it to a mosque (which always pains me when I see them taking down crosses from churches and raising their star and crescent). Mr Bergoglio can't do nothing because he takes money from muslim …More
In my humble opinion the only way to prevent/halt the muslim invasion of Europe is that Europeans must hold on to the Christian faith/values/morals. Stop selling empty churches to muslims so that they transform it to a mosque (which always pains me when I see them taking down crosses from churches and raising their star and crescent). Mr Bergoglio can't do nothing because he takes money from muslim countries and their leaders..............he says extend the arms to everyone but not at the expense of Christian Europe.

On the other hand Matteo Salvini can stop the muslim invasion of Europe!!!
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Pope’s Swiss Guard Gets Ready for FEMALE Members

This imposter usurping the throne of Saint Peter has done enough damage, none of his new so-called innovative ideas surprises me anymore.
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Mexican Supreme Court decriminalises abortion in 'historic ruling'

They slapped Our Lady Of Guadalupe in the face by legalising abortion.....................a sad day for Mexico and worldwide Pro-Lifers.
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Catholics Wake-Up: The Warnings of Fatima Are Happening Now! Turn To The Immaculate Heart of Mary!!

Very well said Father, God grant you many many many years!!!
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Machine-Gun of the Devil: Homosexuality Is “No Sin”

This Matthieu Jasseron fruitcake is definitely spiritually deluded and satan has entered him and those like him to confuse the Catholic faithful. So sad!!! 😭
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Gibson Supports Cancelled Priests: “Bishops Are Bunch Of Hirelings”

Mr Bergogolio and his college of cardinals, archbishops, bishops and priests of the novus ordo sect have been deceiving the Catholic faithful since 2013 Bergoglio has usurped the throne of St Peter by preaching heresies and passing it down his to his faithful companions 😡 😡 😡
Eastern Catholic Melkite

Paris Archbishop Kills TEN (!) Roman Masses

Mgr Michel Aupetit is a heretic who has trampled on the Canons of the Catholic Church so many times just to satisfy his ego, pride, modernist and ecumenistic tendencies. 😡 😡 😡