
Machine-Gun of the Devil: Homosexuality Is “No Sin”

Father Mattieu Jasseron, 36, misleads his public in a TikTok.com video (August 25) by explaining “why [practised] homosexuality is definitely not a sin.” The video generated 422.5K clicks and 5514 …More
Father Mattieu Jasseron, 36, misleads his public in a TikTok.com video (August 25) by explaining “why [practised] homosexuality is definitely not a sin.”
The video generated 422.5K clicks and 5514 commentaries. Jasseron has 627.2K followers and is active on TikTok.com since August 2020.
Speaking like a machine-gun, he recounts that “I have not found” neither in the Bible nor in the Catechism that homosex is a sin, and quotes Francis’ infamous Who-am-I-to-judge dictum.
Jasseron is a parish-priest in Joigny, Sens-Auxerre Archdiocese whose Archbishop Hervé Giraud, 64, says about him, “It's not proselytising [= proclaiming the Gospel] and that's why it works.”
Hailing from a non-religious family, Jasseron is as former asset manager. He was ordained a priest in June 2019, the first diocesan priest after eight years.
The lack of priests in Sens-Auxerre is so dramatic that Archbishop Giraud took over a parish in September 2021. 18 of the 34 diocesan priests are above 75. This year, nine priests …More
Eastern Catholic Melkite
This Matthieu Jasseron fruitcake is definitely spiritually deluded and satan has entered him and those like him to confuse the Catholic faithful. So sad!!! 😭
Dr Bobus
The Francis papacy has encouraged the snakes to come out from under the rocks where they were hiding.
"I have not found- neither in the Bible nor in the Catechism that homosex is a sin..." Pic related at bottom (pun intentional). :D Seems he didn't "find" Gen. 19:8-9, Ezek. 16:5-9, Jd. 7, Lev. 18:22 and 20:13. Caroline03's already mentioned 1 Rmn, which leaves 1 Cor. 6:9-10. He also didn't find Paragraph 2357 in the Catechism, either.
"Jasseron is a former asset manager."
Former? Nope, he's still …More
"I have not found- neither in the Bible nor in the Catechism that homosex is a sin..." Pic related at bottom (pun intentional). :D Seems he didn't "find" Gen. 19:8-9, Ezek. 16:5-9, Jd. 7, Lev. 18:22 and 20:13. Caroline03's already mentioned 1 Rmn, which leaves 1 Cor. 6:9-10. He also didn't find Paragraph 2357 in the Catechism, either.

"Jasseron is a former asset manager."
Former? Nope, he's still entirely focused on managing assets. ;-)

His preferred media platform is no accident as @Louis IX rightly suspects. TikTok has become the soul of the LGBTQ Internet.
Louis IX
cruising for dates most likely
Clergy like him ,it affirms how bad the church has been infiltrated by evil to deceive and teach errors as truths ,, Catholics when you hear these deceivers leave that parish
Yup. ...and you've been on a righteous roll of right-thinking of late, too.
Silly vain twit - read Romans 1.
Francis will likely have a job for him.
Yup. One where he's under Fr. James Martin, SJ... figuratively and perhaps literally as well.