
Four Million Catholics: But Francis' Cardinal Is Invisible

Mexico Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes has disappeared and shields himself behind his secretary, Father Mauro García.

The situation is so bad that even the Francis portal ReligionDigital.org (August 11) turned against the liberal prelate.

The archdiocese is governed by one of the five auxiliary bishops, Bishop Salvador González Morales. Three auxiliary bishops are practically out of function, to the point that most priests don’t even know their full names.

Cardinal Aguiar delegates his auxiliary bishops to preside at the Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations, Father José de Jesú Aguilar Valdés, a canon of Mexico Cathedral, says in an audio. He calls the cardinal "an unreachable individual" who doesn’t even appear in the cathedral during main celebrations and feasts.

Another Canon, Father Hugo Valdemar Romero, recalled on his regular video column that the cardinal [imitating Francis] remains silent on fundamental issues in the country.

Cardinal Aguiar is known as an obsequious and profoundly mediocre figure with no talents or convictions. This made his ecclesiastical career possible and is now the reason for his downfall.

Picture: Aguiar Retes © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsUvwvddirfp