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Stay safe! On Friday April 5th in New Jersey, New York and Illinois experienced a series of earthquakes at 4.8 magnitude. On April 6 aftershocks in these areas at up to 4.0 magnitude are reported. The …More
Stay safe!

On Friday April 5th in New Jersey, New York and Illinois experienced a series of earthquakes at 4.8 magnitude. On April 6 aftershocks in these areas at up to 4.0 magnitude are reported. The USGS has confirmed there were at least five New Madrid, Missouri quakes, on Friday April 5.

Could these be signs that the solar eclipse on April 8may potentially start a chain of disastrous events that will impact a large part of the United States of America?

15 states have declared the official state of disaster, days and even weeks before the solar eclipse. Some states have been preparing for two years! The public is urged to have a full tank in theair vehicles, obtain a two week supply of food and water, and stock up on medical prescriptions for several weeks. The National Guard is deployed to help out with emergencies, and 22 nuclear scientists will be present.

April 8 total eclipse takes place over the New Madrid Fault Zone

Why are these mild earthquakes a reason for concern? Because in 1806 and 1811 the US also experienced two total eclipse events. Three months after the second total eclipse in the year 1811 severe earthquakes took place in the New Madrid Fault Zone (Southern and Midwestern United States), causing even the water in the Mississippi River to flow backwards.

There were 3 major earthquakes, first in December 1811, a magnitude of 8.1 on the Richter Scale, the second in January 1812 at 7.8, and the third in February 1812 at as much as 8.8 magnitude. These quakes impacted none less than seven states: Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Indiana.

Quakes from 5.5 to 6.0 magnitude can cause some damage. Quakes that range from 6.1 to 6.9 magnitude can cause a lot of damage in very populated areas, while a 7.0 to 7.9 magnitude earthquake is considered a major earthquake causing serious damage.

The 1811-1812 earthquakes were above 7.9 magnitude, and if this happens again, the destruction would be indescribable.

Nobody knows what will happen during, or in the period after, this solar eclipse, but history shows it's better to be prepared, in case a similar disaster strikes.

Solar eclipse combined with comet appearance
An interesting element during the 1811 eclipse, is that the earthquakes were preceded by the appearance of a great comet, which was visible around the world for seventeen months, and was at its brightest during the earthquakes. In 1811-1812, it was called 'Tecumseh's Comet'. Tecumseh was a Shawnee Indian leader whose name meant 'Shooting Star' or 'He who walks across the sky.' He got this name at birth.

The 'Black Sun' or solar eclipse was considered a sign that a great war was at hand and two months after the eclipse indeed a war broke out between the Indians and Governor Harrison, who attacked the native Americans with over one thousand soldiers. Chief Tecumseh was killed in battle in Canada in 1813. He is honored as one of the greatest of Indian leaders, both in the United States, and in Canada, where he is considered a national hero.

During the April 8 solar eclipse another significant comet will also pass over the United States, called 'The Devil's Comet', which has the size of Mount Everest.

How comets predicted
historical events

Historically the appearance of comets have been understood as more than just natural phenomena, as these 'signs in the heavens' often preceded great events that changed the course of history. For example, the years before the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 68-70 AD, a star stood above the city of Jerusalem, resembling a sword, and a comet which lasted an entire year. To the sacred Jewish tribes, this indicated coming judgment and destruction. The famous Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote about this event, in his famous work ‘Wars of the Jews’, Book 6, chapter 5, sections 2 and 3:

'At one time a star, in form like a sword, stood over the city, and a comet, which lasted for a whole year. (...) This seemed to the unskillful a good sign, but was interpreted by the sacred scribes as portending those events which very soon took place.'

Shortly after the appearance of the star that looked like a sword and comet that was seen for an entire year, Jerusalem was destroyed by the swords of the Romans, and almost the entire Israeli population was slaughtered. This 'Great Jewish War' that led to the destruction of Jerusalem and Israel, was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy of judgment over Israel, because for centuries they had killed every prophet that called them to turn from their evil practices, like ritual child sacrifice. Read more about these events in this report.

The comets preceding the Indian war and the Jewish war are just two historic examples, of how the appearance of a great comet signified coming judgment and destruction.

They also indicate the end of one era, and the start of another time period in the course of human history. In the case of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD the era of the so called 'Old Covenant' ended and a new era of the 'New Covenant' started.

Most importantly: Stay safe!

Does this historic information mean that the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse and appearance of The Devil's Comet are signs of the end of an era, with the dawning of a new time for humanity? Time will tell... Most important now is to stay safe.

See what precautions you can take according to where you live. Buy food, gas and water, and prescriptions if needed for two or three weeks. Here you find more information on how to prepare, if you live in or nearby the New Madrid Seismic Zones.

Historic facts about solar eclipses and comets, that you need to know