Gloria TV News on the 22nd of June. The Dirty Games of the “Faith in Public Life” Liverpool Death Pathway Sacraments: an Ending or a Beginning? Catholic? Only when necessaryMore
Gloria TV News on the 22nd of June.

The Dirty Games of the “Faith in Public Life”
Liverpool Death Pathway
Sacraments: an Ending or a Beginning?
Catholic? Only when necessary
Noticias de la Iglesia.
Noticias de la Iglesia.More
Noticias de la Iglesia.

Noticias de la Iglesia.
Caminandocon Jesus y la madre Maria
Grasias por la notisia.
God bless you. 👍
I fear on how peope will treat me when I am an old priest. 🙏
padre geremia
🤨 When people is far away from God they look at others not as a gift but a burden this is the case with regards to those old or elderly people in the eyes of an atheistic society as England! 🤦
We are really living the barbaric ages.
Good reports but please turn down the loud noise (music?) at the end of each short talk. It make us turn down the sound then we have to turn it back up to hear what she is saying.