Joint Statement of Archbishop Samuel Aquila and Bishop James Conley on Aurora Shootings

Photo ~ Grief: A man cries at the Children's Hospital in Aurora. The youngest victim is believed to be three months Read more:…/James-Holmes-Co… July 20, 2012 Joint Statement of …More
Photo ~ Grief: A man cries at the Children's Hospital in Aurora. The youngest victim is believed to be three months
Read more:…/James-Holmes-Co…
July 20, 2012
Joint Statement of Archbishop Samuel Aquila and Bishop James Conley on Aurora Shootings
Press Release
Last night at the Century Movie Theater in Aurora, a gunman walked into a full theater and opened fire on scores of moviegoers. In the largest mass shooting in America in more than five years, 12 people were killed and about 50 were wounded by gunfire. We are shocked and saddened by this tragedy. Our hearts and prayers go out to those impacted by this evil act.
In the chaos of the moment, people poured from the movie theater into the darkness of the night—the darkness of confusion, of ambiguity, of despair. We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters cast into that darkness. They do not stand alone. As Catholic bishops, we “weep with those who weep.”
But in Aurora, which means “the dawn,” the sun rose …More
Ben Martin
James Holmes, Aurora Shooting Suspect, Purchased 6,000 Rounds Of Ammunition Online…/james-holmes-au…
Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged…More
James Holmes, Aurora Shooting Suspect, Purchased 6,000 Rounds Of Ammunition Online…/james-holmes-au…

Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged…
I have previously posted comments about gun control in the
USA on a video uploaded on this website, Guns are Good”.
The comments were subsequently deleted by the uploader
but can be accessed halfway down page 7 (5 June 2011).
Even a country such as Switzerland which has strict gun
laws had a lone gunman kill 14 people in the city of Zug.More
I have previously posted comments about gun control in the
USA on a video uploaded on this website, Guns are Good”.

The comments were subsequently deleted by the uploader
but can be accessed halfway down page 7 (5 June 2011).

Even a country such as Switzerland which has strict gun
laws had a lone gunman kill 14 people in the city of Zug.
Holy Cannoli
Interesting analysis. I have a slightly different (more secular) take.
In a chaotic environment where Americans are being pitted against each other by reckless rhetoric of the Obama administration the most easily influenced will be the first to act.
Smear on top of smear, resentment on top of resentment gleefully promulgated by the liberals in the media and in this Administration. Make no mistake …More
Interesting analysis. I have a slightly different (more secular) take.

In a chaotic environment where Americans are being pitted against each other by reckless rhetoric of the Obama administration the most easily influenced will be the first to act.

Smear on top of smear, resentment on top of resentment gleefully promulgated by the liberals in the media and in this Administration. Make no mistake about it, this is at least partly the result of the "99%", the "war on women", the "tax the rich", the "you didn't build this", and other ploys that the Marxists have used to divide the country.

Are all Californians now suspect? All PhD candidates? All college grads? All white people? All those who legally own firearms?

James Holmes was really at the top of the cream in a very difficult academic field, one not known for attracting nut cases. He was on the threshold of what would have been a stellar career. Yet, he goes and utterly destroys his entire future by his actions when he had a future that almost almost anyone would envy.

Crazy isn't it?

I'd guess the shooter is someone who recently began showing symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. I'm not advocating an insanity plea but I think that's the way the defense will go.
I'm hoping to be a little more specific, to analyze the grossest causality of this tragedy. Our Holy Father identified Moral Relativism as the greatest danger facing mankind in his April 18, 2005 homily on his last night as Josef Cardinal Ratzinger, and expanded remarkably on it in his 2009 encyclical letter, Caritas in Veritate.
John-Henry Westen of Lifesite News in 2008 published this critiqueMore
I'm hoping to be a little more specific, to analyze the grossest causality of this tragedy. Our Holy Father identified Moral Relativism as the greatest danger facing mankind in his April 18, 2005 homily on his last night as Josef Cardinal Ratzinger, and expanded remarkably on it in his 2009 encyclical letter, Caritas in Veritate.

John-Henry Westen of Lifesite News in 2008 published this critique of the "Batman" film that was released that year, and that is suspected in having some sort of influence on the death of its star, Heath Ledger. Today, Westen's piece seems somehow prophetic: asking about a future where young people might take their moral cues from the most powerful influences cited in culture, rather than from the objectively right influences. As officials around the world prepare for the horrifying possibility of "copycat" crimes adjacent to this film, the terrible question they must proactively confront of "might there be others?" hangs like low smoke.

The crux of this causality is the popularity of a story portraying an imagined power of evil as being more capable of victory than of good. How many people have internalized that message? We see sadly that at least one person made such a philosophy his personal sine qua non.

Many people will take from this disaster in Colorado the notion that evil is powerful, and must be overpowered. But evil's intrinsic physical power remains weak. Assault weapons and gas canisters are dangerously powerful, but not intrinsically evil in and of themselves. This is an illusion. Neutral items like this should be kept out of the hands of those with evil intentions to be sure, but these items are not the cause, intention to do evil is the cause.

The intrinsic, therefore real, therefore powerful ability of evil is its promise of "power" in the absence of a powerful alternative for good, and under the desire for personal power to manipulate others. The "Batman Rises" murderer was studying sciences to help mankind, but traded that promise to become a terrorist.

News Corporation in Australia this morning lumped into a laundry list of this suspect's known attributes and life ingredients, the phrase "heavily involved in church," whatever that is intended by News Corporation to imply.

The clear implication of course is that because this suspect was "heavily involved in church" as he grew up, either this involvement or "church" itself, somehow contributed, along with the rest of the list of ingredients, to become the crimes of the shooter. It isn't explained how; it's supposed to be enough that "church" is categorized as an influence in his life. YOU are supposed to fill in the blanks and cry out with the crowd the illogical conclusion: "Therefore, off with its [church's?] head!"

When placing any figure on media trial for horrific crimes, the media court almost never neglects its self-appointed duty to smear "church" whenever and however possible because it always helps to sell papers.

According to the apparent editorial policy of News Corporation, the horror of terrorism isn't enough in itself: the terrorist's motive has to be somehow -- no matter how tenuously, and no matter with how little substance -- even gingerly, associated with "heavy involvement in church."

Just in case more evidence becomes available in the future, I suppose. Can't beat breaking a new story.
holyrope 3
Expect more of these happenings as they increase...unfortunately! 🙏 Pray the rosary! 👌More
Expect more of these happenings as they increase...unfortunately! 🙏 Pray the rosary! 👌
Some hard statistics on the efficacy of the death penalty would be very useful in connection with the likely punishment of James Holmes for the Aurora massacre.
A good Christian [Catholic] education would in every way have been effective guidance for the youth. The reward of Heaven and the avoidance of Hell is a very good motivation to live a good life. Meditation on the Decalogue as a program for …More
Some hard statistics on the efficacy of the death penalty would be very useful in connection with the likely punishment of James Holmes for the Aurora massacre.
A good Christian [Catholic] education would in every way have been effective guidance for the youth. The reward of Heaven and the avoidance of Hell is a very good motivation to live a good life. Meditation on the Decalogue as a program for life is never wasted time. Unfortunately in the case of James Holmes, this was missed out or never heeded. Often criminality in children emanates from broken homes.
Noting that the Internet is morally quite neutral.
I blame Rap music! Teaches our young to be violent and to solve their problems and hatred with more extreme violence. Thank you rapsters for all these deaths! 😈
Holy Cannoli
Let justice be served.
In many states of this nation, James Holmes would spend the rest of his life in prison at the tax payers expense, even though there was no question about his guilt or premeditation of the act. Fortunately, Colorado reinstated the death penalty in 1975 and a jury can award it if deems the suspect deserves it. For the sake of all that is right and fair, we can pray that justice …More
Let justice be served.

In many states of this nation, James Holmes would spend the rest of his life in prison at the tax payers expense, even though there was no question about his guilt or premeditation of the act. Fortunately, Colorado reinstated the death penalty in 1975 and a jury can award it if deems the suspect deserves it. For the sake of all that is right and fair, we can pray that justice will be served quickly in this matter.
Ben Martin
Is there any wonder why these grave sins happen after people have expose themselves to modern: music, movies, internet, fast food, schools, religion. It is a reflection of the trash we put in our body and soul, will come out in some form.
God have mercy on the souls of these victims and their families.More
Is there any wonder why these grave sins happen after people have expose themselves to modern: music, movies, internet, fast food, schools, religion. It is a reflection of the trash we put in our body and soul, will come out in some form.

God have mercy on the souls of these victims and their families.