Putin’s press secretary on Hagia Sophia becoming a mosque, “Moreover, I can tell you that the admission fee for Hagia Sophia is really expensive. There will be no fee now, and admission will be free. Our tourists will benefit from this.”

It is good for Russian tourists that they will not have to pay a fee (video) – Orthodox Times

By Kostas Onisenko A “cold bath” for the Greek position and a clear challenge are what the Kremlin Press …
Communists were atheists, @Be Ye Stupid therefore they did not follow Judaism. Lenin famously quipped "Religion is the opiate of the masses." Some Communists "were of Jewish birth" as E. Michael Jones would describe it. When you conflate people's race with their politics, that's racism Jones is a bigotted racist and so are you.
Be Ye Separate
A company of all Jews was formed to fight against Catholics in Spain, during the war in the 1930's. They named themselves The Naftali Botwin Company, named after a Communist Jew Murderer: "He was a Jewish communist who had been executed twelve years earlier, in 1925, in Poland after assassinating a government agent who had infiltrated the Communist party as an informer." Haaretz Publication -
A company of all Jews was formed to fight against Catholics in Spain, during the war in the 1930's. They named themselves The Naftali Botwin Company, named after a Communist Jew Murderer: "He was a Jewish communist who had been executed twelve years earlier, in 1925, in Poland after assassinating a government agent who had infiltrated the Communist party as an informer." Haaretz Publication -
@Jmy1975 Here is one of the units of Communist Jews that killed Catholics in Spain.
Jesus Is The Singular Way To Life.
@Be Ye Separate Yup, and Catholics murdered people in groups before too. An entire nation of Catholics, Poland, let the Holocaust happen. And because Jews have been communists the entire group needs to be hated and thrown in the ovens, correct?
Franco was a mass murderer. But him being Catholic makes it ok?
There were Palestinian Arabs in the Botwin company too. But you like them....
By simple math …More
@Be Ye Separate Yup, and Catholics murdered people in groups before too. An entire nation of Catholics, Poland, let the Holocaust happen. And because Jews have been communists the entire group needs to be hated and thrown in the ovens, correct?

Franco was a mass murderer. But him being Catholic makes it ok?

There were Palestinian Arabs in the Botwin company too. But you like them....

By simple math we know that 99 percent of commies, like Putin, Xi, aren't Jewish. And again, it's impossible to be a Jew or Catholic or any other religion and be communist.

Jesus is the Way, but Jesus was also an ethnic Jew. He came for the Jews, then when they rejected Him, opened his salvation to all. Logically you should want to help Jesus, an ethnic Jew and God Incarnate, save Jews.

But your bony little hands are on the buttons, ready to release the gas.

You. Are. A. Bigot.
Be Ye Separate
You went off topic, like a child, but he did it too.
Why did Communist Jews name themselves after a Communist Jew Murderer?
Why did this same group, Naftali Botwin, go to Spain to kill Catholics?
Only about 2 of these murderer's were Arabs.
How many priests and nuns did these Jews kill, how many Catholic Churches did they destroy?
It's good to bring this into the light, crimes of the Jews, since …More
You went off topic, like a child, but he did it too.
Why did Communist Jews name themselves after a Communist Jew Murderer?
Why did this same group, Naftali Botwin, go to Spain to kill Catholics?
Only about 2 of these murderer's were Arabs.
How many priests and nuns did these Jews kill, how many Catholic Churches did they destroy?
It's good to bring this into the light, crimes of the Jews, since the media is extremely biased/Jew managed.
The topic was Jews joining the Spanish Civil war on the Commie side. I pointed out Franco, a Catholic, committed crimes against humanity. Then I pointed out that Arabs were in the Commie side too. Then I pointed out, again, that most communists are not Jewish. And then I mentioned Jesus was a Jew and he came for the Jews. And then I said that you are a bigot because every group of people, Catholics …More
The topic was Jews joining the Spanish Civil war on the Commie side. I pointed out Franco, a Catholic, committed crimes against humanity. Then I pointed out that Arabs were in the Commie side too. Then I pointed out, again, that most communists are not Jewish. And then I mentioned Jesus was a Jew and he came for the Jews. And then I said that you are a bigot because every group of people, Catholics like you included, wound the heart of Jesus.

None of that was off topic, Hitler. I mean @Be Ye Separate . You just don't like my answer. Because it's true.

If a Jew was in a car accident and you witnessed it and he's there bleeding out on the pavement, his yarmulke lying beside him, would you help him? Would you even call 911? Answer my question.
Alex A
You mean to say Putin is more communist than the Democrats? Surely not!
But Putin is great, right? He doesn't believe in gay marriage! Putin is, was, and always wil be a dirty communist.
Roberto 55
That's true color of Putin...