Bishop Barron says Elijah was “fired” by God for slaying the prophets of Baal. Your thoughts?
Tony Smith
Modernist bullshit. How could Elias do such a thing without the power of God backing him up? After all it wasn't done by the power of Elias but by the power of God !
Hound of Heaven
My Bible appears to be bowdlerized; it seems to be missing the "Blessed are the pompous, for they are like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal signifying nothing" verse (St Paul and Shakespeare clearly cribbed parts of this.
He comes across as totally full of himself. Thank God I don't listen to a word he says.
John A Cassani
This is definitely a bit of eisagesis, which any good Scripture prof warns against.
Boanerges Boanerges
Barron, could it be that you are fired for not slaying thousands of prophets of Baal infesting Our Church today? Could that be it? Maybe it's just me, but I don't remember Bible being critical of Elijah, quite contrary, together with Moses he is the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, appearing next to Jesus on the mountain of transfiguration.
Simon North
@Boanerges Boanerges He IS one of the prophets of Baal.
These modernists are always re-interpreting Scripture to suit their errors. Today at Mass (N.O.) we had the Gospel about the Syro-Phonecian woman. The homilist gave that stupid reading that Jesus Christ - Son of God, the 2nd Person of the Trinity - was schooled by that sassy woman about his prejudice!